[FREE][ESX/QB] Advanced garage V2 | (Optimized, highly configurable)

Highly optimized garage system that allows you to add as many garages as you wish!


  • Supports ESX/QBCore
  • Multiple garage/impound types (garage, air, boat)
  • Personal/society vehicles
  • Server side spawning (persistent vehicles)
  • Contract system for selling/transfering vehicles
  • ox_target/qtarget/qb-target support
  • Very low resmon - 0.00ms on idle
  • Installation files included


  • es_extended/qb-core
  • ox_lib,
  • esx_vehicleshop/qb-vehicleshop (Can be swapped for vehicleshop of choice by editing server/db.lua)




It would be perfect if you could modify the custom name for the vehicle

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The vehicle labels are fetched directly from the game, you can use AddTextEntry on the client to set the vehicle label.

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer:This is a great script great job my friend :clap: :100: :boom: :boom: :boom:

great work

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wow :heart: :kissing_heart:

Is there a format for AddTextEntry? After I set it, some vehicles will not recognize the name

This might help you: Vehicle_names.lua

I think I was found a bug. If you go in the interior and picked up the car, the displays always doubled.

Are you using the latest release?

Yes I have the latest release.

Okay, I will check it out.
You can open a issue on the github repo in the meantime.

Okay ty.

Amazing thank you :smiling_face:.

Am I the only one who has the problem that it won’t let you store the vehicles?

hello! It tells me that I am the owner of the vehicle in the qbcore version

Solved in the latest release.

In the qb-core version it says that the vehicle is not your property and it also shows the license plate in the menu, it says all null

and in the impound there is this ox_lib error

What vehicleshop do you use?

the latest version qb-vehicleshop and I use the latest version of ox_lib, ox_target