[FREE][ESX] Füsti Gangmap

Füsti Gangmap - Introduce

Hello everyone, I would like to introduce you my new free script, which is a gang-based territory-attacking and capturing script for every server which has gangs.

What is this :question:

  • This is a territory capturing script, which allow gangs to have fights for their place.

How it works? :gear:

  • As you enter to a gang’s zone, you have to press a specific key to start the raid.
  • You can add whitelisted jobs in the config, who are allowed to raid zones.
  • You can also set the minimum member/zone to attack.
  • Rewards can be specified in every zone.
  • Every zone has different colors, names, specifications to make it realistic
  • Global cooldown to prevent brainless actions

Raid mechanism :gun: :vs: :dagger:

  • You will need a few gang members with you if you want to raid the other gang’s place.
  • If you start the raid, the other gang members on the server will be notified about the action.
  • The other gang must defend their zone if they want to keep it.
  • If the attacking gang has more people in the zone, the raid will continue to take progress, this can be reduced by killing each other. If someone dies, they will be out the fight and the last-standing gang wins.
  • If the attacking gang won the battle, they will have control on the zone (the zone’s color will change, etc.)
  • If the defending gang successfully killed all of the attacking ones, they can keep the zone.
  • Raid will also stop if there are no attacking members in the zone (they left, etc.)

Other informations :blue_book:

  • Since this has been sitting in my server for a few months now, I want to release it free othervise I wont use it for anything else.
  • Optimized resource, 0.00ms by default, 0.02 while raiding (top)
  • No memory leak
  • Open source, lot of config actions
  • Issues, feature request will only be read on the github issue page.

Dependencies :exclamation:

Pictures and previews


Download - Let me know your thoughts in the comments :slight_smile: :heart:

Important: Using the script

  • If you set new tables in the Config.Zones, then you might need to restart the script again after that, because the server side have to store the new data in the database.
  • If you edit something, and you are restarting the script, make sure to relog into your server (if you use multichar then just type /relog) to make sure the setup has started.

My other works :construction_worker_man:


any plans to make it qb?

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I have to take a look at qb’s docs because im not sure they have the same metadata thing like esx, but ill try to figure it out if I will have time

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How to solve it

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it needs a script restart to make the sql table fill up with the data you set in the config, i will look for a solution for that. This means if you add something in the config, another zone or something, then at the start of the script it will upload it to the database. Sometimes it needs a restart to read the data again, but this only happens when you add zones.

Nice. :wink:

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Yes plssss​:heart::heart:

This is not work. I start the script multiplie times, but there is nothing on my map. Also when i restart my server.


If you join the server it will do its setup task. If you check the code, its connected to the onPlayerConnected event.

how to make it wisible only to gangs?

You mean this?

Yep thanks !

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btw each gang sees each gang zones? not only they ccaptured? as i red it right

Yes they do, if they are whitelisted as the others, they do

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Trying to find a mistake there , cuz unemployed and employed ppl sees those blips

are they whitelisted?

like have 5 gangs whitelisted in script , and as pd or mechanic or even civil i see those zones and blips , i want to make it seeinable only for gangs and no one else but cant even reach to this far

You have to set the whitelisted jobs here, you can check the source code, but if you are sure that this is not working, and the problem is not in your operation then make sure you open an issue with code attached, how to reproduce this behaivour/error etc.

The main problem is , there is a gangs that has zones , and blips , and wihtout job or with any job i can see those zones , and i want to hide it from anyone else exepct all those gangs that only they could see

Well I cannot tell you what your problem is in blind, send me a pm here with your config.

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