Hi. After uploading this script to my server I have a problem because when I want to finish specting, I can’t close this menu, anyone knows how to fix this problem?
when i spectate someone when i press G nothing happens why is this theres no error either and i renamed it to esx_spectate ?
does this support infinity?
this is a perfect question anyone please make infiinty compatible version.
Anyone ever fixed where regular users can spectate
Please support
do anyone know how to make regular user not spectate please let me know
hey do you have a another link to it each time i click it it wont open please help im trying to make fivem server the only thing im missing is the sepectate part
The link has been deleted some time ago… reason: stupid people can only complain about problems instead of fix them…
The script was old on its own anyway… there surely are better scripts out there
I have a problem. When I go into spectate mode, and I press the ‘G’ button, it does nothing but also doesn’t return any errors. I also tried to change the button (maybe something is blocking the ‘G’ button) to ‘Y’, and also that didn’t work out. Any ideas?
The script has been updated!!
With the new version:
-I can’t look around, scroll. All buttons are not available. -Sometimes the black screen keeps loading.
-If the player travels long distance while spectating, spectating will be very bad with low refresh rate.
I will inspect this the “refresh rate” i don’t know what you mean
Hiya mate what do you mean by add spectate group permissions, do you have the line of code i need to add in ?
you can follow the examples in your server.cfg and add the spectate permission like you give other permissions to your admins in your server.cfg
this is an example:
add_ace group.admin spectate allow
please tell me if version 1.2 fixes your problem
Unfortunately not. I can look around with the controller but I can’t look around or zoom with the mouse. Possibly also the possibility to use the Push to talk button (n)?
The problem other problem is gone.
Using mouse to look around is easy but i don’t remember adding code to zoom … anyway I’ll fix everything today
Hopefully version 1.3 will fix all your problems let me know
Today I don’t have anyone to test it, I’ll do it during the week and I’ll keep you uptodate!