[FREE] DriftV - Full drift based gamemode

This is on the MySQL version.

That’s client side, should not be linked to mysql. It should have an other error before those 2 on your screen

I suppose you added a vehicle and did an syntaxe error, that’s the only thing i’m thinking about with this file

Correct, missed the closing } lmao. my bad

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Ok another issue, just had a second player join and he seems to be sharing information from the DB with myself, he had the same amount of money as me and my car i’ve just bought in his garage

That’s … strange, are you using the same steam account ?

No Sir, own steam accounts and our own rockstar accounts, i only have one entry in the database.

Sussed it now, I was using steam as the identifier in the config, he doesn’t use steam account, so switch to licence and were all good thanks

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Ooh that’s an issue, i need to add a check if steam is detected, if not don’t let the player join. Thanks for letting me know, i will push a fix

Pushed an update that will check what ever identifier you are using to save player data ( steam / license etc ) before connecting to avoid any issue :slight_smile:

Lovely, thanks for the quick push :smiley:

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Wow, I’m surprised the way you are doing Ruby, because you answer our comments fast and effectively. I love you :slight_smile:

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Well, that’s how every one do with their post no ? ^^’

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I wish it was haha :heart:

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Oh wow, if that isn’t some of my 3 year old code in there, interesting concept indeed, good stuff.

It’s not ^^’
Not perfectly coded tho, i’m open to any feedback :slight_smile:

actually, “calculateBonus” is there as a leftover and “angle” seem to be in there twice, i don’t mind though, im just glad someone used it for something :laughing:

perfect code doesn’t exist :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ll throw it on a server later and check it out, only flew over the code and it seemed like fun.

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Yeah I use the base drift counter and modify it like I wanted to take it count more things :slight_smile:


is it possible to make a new vehicle tier in the shop cause I want a no drift category and was wondering how to do this?

Mmh yeah doable if you edit the lua file in client → shop folder, you need a little bit of Lua knowledge to edit the table syntax :slight_smile:

you need webpack resource