[FREE] [ADDON] Animation - Hands in pockets

this is my new addon animation free for your script or dpemotes.

How to do it:

  1. YCD file insert to stream folder
  2. Add to your script or dpemotes
    Cannot be used on all sweatshirts!


Name animation / Code for dpemotes
["pockets"] = {"bzzz@animations@hands", "bz_hands", "Hands in pockets", AnimationOptions =   
EmoteMoving = false, -- or true if you want to walk
EmoteLoop = true,
How add to dpemotes?

Copy and paste to dpemotes/Client/AnimationList.lua >>> DP.Emotes

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Size 121 kB
Requirements No
Support No

Edit: Download:
bzzz_addon_animation_hands.zip (121.5 KB)

My others resources: Tebex :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


This is really neat :relaxed:


Nooooo i love ittt!

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Hahahahah, that’s actually cool :slight_smile:

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thnaks broo

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she is a girl :joy:


lol sorry

one thing that every server needs!

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thanks for share

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Wow never knew I needed this till I saw it

Looks pretty good

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it doesnt work

@Xx2Shiesty I think you’re the first one it doesn’t work for :smile:

how do you do it

Hey does it glitches for anyone else?

can work this this emote script

@swilam1 yes, the animation is functional with any script :slight_smile:
You just have to edit the code as needed

Heck yeah! thank you soo much :slight_smile:

What’s the command?

its /e pockets, but should work while moving plz

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