Forests of San Andreas: Revised [Updated]

Download location has been moved and updated!


This map was made by Larcius who gave me permission to upload this. I will keep his description as it is so I don’t mess anything up, so here it is:

This map is based on the map “Forests of San Andreas” in version 2.2 (RRC edition) by JRod: Forests of San Andreas
I want to thank him very much for that great map and his permission to publish this extension.


Updated Download:


In order to demonstrate only this mod and exactly as it is all videos and screenshots are in-game footage without any further post-editing and without any additional mods applied.
However, feel free to use other mods as well.

There are three videos to compare this mod with the original game and with the version 2.2 (RRC edition):


Version 3.1

Visual changes:

  • Replaced single standing redwood trees (TEST_Tree_Forest_Trunk_01) by other trees
  • Edited a few trees (relocated, rescaled, changed model, …)
  • Added a few trees
  • Slight rework at silo hatch

Other changes:

  • Reduced extents of static collision models and slod models
  • Reduced/recalculated values for far distance view non-tree models
  • Recalculated distance when to change from HD to LOD (slightly reduced large entities and increased for small entities)
  • Reduced/recalculated distance when to change from LOD to SLOD1
  • Fixed non-tree entities (like boxes, chairs, barrels, …) that shouldn’t be static (so now they interact physically when hit by a car, on explosions, …)
  • Provided static collision model for cabin
  • Provided OIV uninstallation file

Previous versions

See description:



total props: 10070


Ay you did it!


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How much of an impact does this have on FPS? I had to get rid of my old forest YMAP because it cut my FPS in half whenever I looked at it.


You can see my FPS in the top left. Im running tons of visual mods + high poly cars. The trees hurt for sure, but not bad. In comparing to the old tree pack - these feel a lot smoother as we drove around the map.


Oklahoma State Roleplay owner here, love your simple speedometer with only gas and seatbelt, any chance we could snag that from you?

Also, did you check fps with at least 30 or more in server?

not sure your allowed to just announce your server name in a forum post xD

our speedo is a paid one, from the forums, i forget the name of it.

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That’s Luminous Development’s Speedo if I recall correctly

Have fun, hehe

Can you tell me the name of your speedometer?
I love it :open_mouth:

What specs are you running for these framerates?

Amazing work

Keep getting frame complaints from my community, anyone else getting the same?

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way better than all the other trees i have seen. :100:

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thanks, very awesome

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this error occured after installing this ressource with several users on our server

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hmm, odd. Never seen or heard of it. If you have more info on this please share it with us

Can confirm this as well, loading this into server causes a Building Pool error for multiple users while traveling around the map. Doesn’t happen quickly always, sometimes may take 30 minutes, but it’s inevitable and will hit all users on a server in time.

I have never had such an error before so I recommend you to download the latest version.