fivemLinux is a bash tool that lets you manage your FiveM server in a easy way using the command line.
If you have any suggestions or improvements, don’t hesitate to send your pull requests Github repository
connect to your virtual server
download the tool using wget wget
Convert the file to unix format if needed and give it execution permission
3.1. Install dos2unix sudo apt install dos2unix
3.2. Convert the file to unix format dos2unix
3.3. Give it permission to “execute” chmod +x
Start the installation process and follow the instructions ./
./ update
updates fivemLinux to the latest version
./ start
starts the server in silent mode
./ stop
stops the server
./ restart X
restarts the server after X seconds
if X is not given, the server will be instantly restarted
./ status
returns if server is running or not
./ cmd "command arg"
allows you to send commands via the console (restart a resource…etc)
./ debug
starts the server in debug mode (it will output the start process)
nah i mean in positive way… it looks good and kinda similar what i have made…
mean i have fixed his script… and u made it even better then mine XD
I’m not always negative
you say in guide. Copy your server01-template.json to server01.json and modify it according to your preferences. You say nothing about where server01.json is placed
I like the way u created everything, Credit for that, i hope i will figuere out how to get it on my server.
I think it was quite implicit it was in the same folder, the “data” folder.
But even if you got it wrong, you just needed to read the error message:
[txAdmin:ConfigExporter] Unnable to load configuration file 'data/server01.json'. (cannot read file, please read the documentation)
Also, if that was not enough there is a specific entry in the troubleshooting guide that explains it a bit more:
If you are not willing to read the (quite short and concise) documentation, there is not much we can do.
Anyway, any feedback is appreciated and I already know we need to make the setup process easier to some users.
Since this conversation is not related to the thread, I recommend that if you still want to discuss it to go to txAdmin’s thread.