FiveM Teleportation Menu

This menu is used for setting locations that players can teleport to with ease.

  • Multiple Category options
  • Accessible via a command in chat
  • Cooldown between each teleportation
  • Players cannot teleport while in a vehicle
  • You can restrict an area from which people cannot teleport like a jail, etc…

This menu requires the installation of NaitveUI
Link: [Release][Dev] NativeUILua

Link to the menu:
GitHub - Tamir112/FiveM-Teleportation-Menu



Nice one the main man @Tamir112modification

1 Like

really thank you for your work may i ask for help
for example i wanna open this script with pressing key (f5)
and then should i put this at menu .lua?
while true do
if group ~= nil print(group) end

	if IsControlJustReleased(1, 166) then --WHEN YOU PRESS F5
		if group  ~= nil and group ~= "user" then
end ( i know it is wrong but how can open your menu with pressing key)

really thank you for your work

Rad script, easy customizable using the config file, but it loads halfway off screen to the right on my widescreen monitor.

    while true do
        --[[ The "F5" button will activate the menu ]]
        if IsControlJustPressed(1, 166) then
            mainMenu:Visible(not mainMenu:Visible())

For some reason, it does not work correctly for me when I enter this text. It opens the menu but doesn’t let you select down arrows. Jumps to the beginning of the selection. Here’s a video:

My text:

This menu is not functioning as it should. With some configurations:

1. when You go up and down within the menu on controller the up is down & down is up
2. If for example you go to category VARIOUS It will immediately teleport you to the first Sub Item from the category.

Im no Pro coder but I get by. Knowing this is not correct, I have no idea why its doing this.

Its a shame as it would be good

If anyone knows of a simple teleport menu using NativeUI please let us know, been searching but nothing that is just teleport Menu

This menu has been released for over than two years and this is the first time a problem like this is reported. I would love to fix it up since it was a menu made when I was just starting to code. Please send me a more detailed report with the issues in private and I will get to work🙃

Message Sent.


is there a way to make it so you can travel with vehicles ? :slight_smile:

I got this working with some custom code, I would also like to know if we can actually have a option to spawn with vehicle please, i tried to find a way but couldn’t get it to work with vehicle.

I am sure there must be an easy way to allow teleport with vehicle?

I did send you a message ages ago but no reply

Is there any way to make this script to force open when its your first load?