FiveM enforcing copyright laws is a good thing. Here's why;

What is this all about?

Today, the team behind FiveM and RedM ( has posted a Community Pulse. This included clarification of FiveM’s new Platform License Agreement that went live last month. This posted included clarification on how will be dealing with IP related assets in things like servers. Essentially meaning you will not be allowed to have IRL brands in your server. (you will still be able to have custom things in your server)

I highly recommend reading the full post before reading this.

Why was this change implemented?

Before I start listing reasons as to why I believe this is a good change, I want people to know that FiveM did not have a choice. Over the years, FiveM has increasingly frowned upon using IP related things (stuff like BMW, Tesla, Nike, etc.). has now been bought by Rockstar Games, people should be reminded that Rockstar is a multi-billion dollar company.

FiveM was simply forced to oblige with the basic copyright laws that exist in our modern society today, these copyright laws have existed in the world for decades. If were not to oblige, they would eventually be bombarded by lawsuits and other things, this is what all game companies have to also go through.

Why do you believe this is a change for the better? :snail:

Unlike what a lot of people think, I believe this is a good step in the right direction for the future of these platforms.

This is extremely important! I know for the first time, some server owners might have to actually put effort into they’re server instead of doing the same copy and paste across everything. This will finally allow for servers to get creative, make they’re own vehicles, own brands and even more. This will in the long run grow FiveM. Now that this change has been implemented, people will need to use lore-friendly items, that still incorporate the GTA style/brands.

This will make servers more unique, something FiveM has needed for a while.

What’s next for FiveM?

FiveM will not just die, that will not happen, any other modding platform that is out there for GTAV do not have nearly as much as the playerbase, capabilities and more as FiveM does, I believe this is a place for FiveM servers to grow in terms of content. I am extremely hopeful for the future of FiveM, and can’t wait to see what is next.

(ps. if someone wants to correct me on any of this, or wants to contribute to the conversation, feel free! :slight_smile: )



All copyright laws are unjust and unethical. I’m not reading an essay that argues for the financial gain of multi-billion dollar companies at the expense of people who just want to have fun in a video game.


this has to be the most nothing burger reply ive seen

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Nice handwave tactics. Go explain to the people who kept FiveM alive for years with their purchases and servers about how them being punished is a good thing.

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Blame the world not the platform, we all wish we could rip assets from other entities as well too :sob:.

I wish I could start a project that blatantly violates Rockstar’s TOS and copyright, partner with a web store to facilitate the sell of real world brands without those brand’s permission for my own financial gain, only to be bought out by Rockstar, the company I infringed against, so I can then punish my userbase for doing the same thing I got rewarded for. This isn’t about piracy, this is about hypocrisy. If you’re going to go after server owners for violating TOS and copyright, you have to go after FiveM as well because FiveM wouldn’t exist if the people who created it followed Rockstar’s TOS.

:person_shrugging: companies have to follow the laws their given, you can think they’re unjust and unethical but that’s a personal opinion, a company can’t be infringing on someones intellectual property.

I think you’re confused on why Tebex was made a thing, FiveM was not having financial issues before releasing monetization. FiveM released monetization as a result of people doing it already and being very shady about it (IP locks, obfuscation, downloading parts of resource during runtime, etc).

FiveM came to conclusion that fighting this would be a losing fight so they instead implemented ways for people to be able to monetize their assets, and gave them way to obfuscate that wouldn’t be shady, and outright bans IP locking & obfuscation from resources unless done through Escrow.


I agree with you on the first part of your statement. Laws are laws and you ultimately have to follow them. I ultimately think they do more harm than good, but you are right that that is just an opinion.
I’m not sure what the last part of your statement has to do with anything, because map creators using IP locks doesn’t mean CFX has to allow the sell of TOS violating content for years, only to then ban servers for using the same content they allowed to be advertised and sold on their platform, only for use on their platform in regards to escrowed content.
Ultimately, why is there such a strong desire now to enforce a rule they ignored for years? It has to be Rockstar covering their legal backsides, at the expense of loyal FiveM users. Again, that’s understandable from a legal standpoint, but it still isn’t right to screw over your users for doing the same thing you did, which is create, distribute, and use a product that violates Rockstar’s TOS.

FiveM never had the manpower to enforce a lot of their rules before, now FiveM has the manpower of Rockstar behind it which helps a lot in that regard :slight_smile:

That is awesome, keep up the great work!!!

I support copyright. How would you feel if someone profited off your work and your ideas?

Will people be refunded for folks that have purchased cars and now they will be removed??

Say I bought a car and now it’s gone, what happenes to the money i spent?

You bought it you own it. Its not your fault, the devs are at fault for selling cars with real world brand logos on it.

I understand but that doesn’t answer the question.

You will not be refunded anything.
So, you decided to buy illegal (or at least unlicensed) content from someone other than cfx, and expect cfx to refund you?