FiveM Addon Weapon - Brick

FiveM Addon Weapon Brick

Ever wanted to throw bricks at the Cat Girls at the UWU Cafe?
Well here it is an addon weapon, well in fact two of them, a melee one and a throwable one.

I always wanted something like this but all the resources of this style are either private or behind a paywall, so I decided to do it myself.

With the model by “KYLIN GAME” (all credit goes to them for making the Model) and with the help of vWeaponsToolkit for the base of the metas I managed to do a usable throwable and a melee brick.

The links for the respective creators of the Model and the Tool used for the metas are in the ‘’.

Known Issues

  • After throwing the brick, the brick will be visible rolling away on the floor this however is only client sided.

  • After throwing around 50/60 bricks you become incapable of throwing any more bricks unless you relog.


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No

looks good


Looks amazing! Cant wait to try this out. Great Job man!!!


Im sure to most this will be a dumb question BUT using ox-inventory. This is an add-on. How would i get it to work? Sorry in advance for being a potato!

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Since its a weapon just like the other GTA ones, I’m sure you can find a tutorial out there on how to make addon weapons work with it, I have never messed with ox-inventory so I wouldn’t be able to tell you with 100% certainty.


brick-ed up over this addon


Can you include a preview of this please


Bug: After thrown they just move on there own but 10/10

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Thank you!! I’m aware of that bug but I have no idea on how to fix it sadly. :frowning:

There isn’t much to it, it is just 2 weapons that you spawn and one of them is a melee weapon and the other one is something you throw like a snow ball.

The spawn codes are 'weapon_brick & ‘weapon_brick2’

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