Brick (Throwable weapon)

An updated resource of woodhxuse’s FiveM Addon Weapon - Brick release.

What’s new?

  • Updated textures (Diffuse, normal and specular)
  • Updated collission (No more rolling bricks!)
  • Adjusted weapon damage (configurable)

Credits of all original creators are in the ReadMe in the github.

Melee files are included but not updated

[Download Link]


Why is not working as a snowball in ox_inventory?

It’s not a replacement of the snowball but an addon weapon that you can add separately.

If you go to your ox_inventory>data>weapons.lua you can add this at the bottom of the weapons list:

		['WEAPON_BRICK2'] = {
			label = 'Brick',
			description = 'CHANGE ME',
			weight = 1000,
			throwable = true,

WEAPON_BRICK2 is the throwable one and the other one is the melee.

yes was my bad is working perfectly cause has two different bricks and i didn´t know unitil i read comments.

nice, how to change the damage to the player?

You can change the damage within the weapon meta file, there are a lot of ways you can change it.

Primary one would be the damage value that you can find in brick_weapons.meta

Thanks. I want him to get no damage, which attribute do I have to adjust?

Just do a search for Damage and set it to 0