[Exterior] Paleto Bay Neighborhood (Paleto Bay construction site rework)


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Proton Solutions - Empowering FiveM Adventures!

This package contains a complete redesign of the Paleto Bay construction site, turning your construction site into a nice neighborhood with a natural appearance.

:sparkles: Features

  • Working NPC paths
  • Works well with graphic-enhancing packs
  • Unlocked texture dictionary
  • Detailed textures
  • Working level of detail (LOD)
  • High quality & optimized models
  • Reworked scenarios
  • Animated furry grass
  • GPS works on custom roads

:camera: Gallery

:handshake: Support

Can we help to make our product more satisfactory for you? Do not hesitate to send us a message, we are glad to help you! Any changes can be requested in the comments, and feedback is always welcome. If applicable, we will notify you about any updates or changes to the product/price in the comments below.


:fire: Other products

Code is accessible N/A - Model assets not accessible
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

It would still be cool if it was a house that looked like Lester’s inside :wink: or could be entered but otherwise 10/10 does it work with patchoe gas station? i think i buy it

Hello, nice to hear that you like the look of our new Paleto Bay redesign. Patoches gas station map works fine with ours except for 1 occlusion ymap “cs1_occl_10.ymap” but if you decide to buy our product we’ll let them work together for free if you want :slightly_smiling_face:

(It’s a 5 minute job to solve the problem between these two)

Well done, I added it, and it fits without looking out of place.


Very nice!

Thank you!

Will this ever have all mlo interiors?!

This is currently not planned, but stay tuned for an extension to this map soon!

The website for purchasing this doesnt work :frowning:

Thank you for letting us know, we have solved this issue! Please allow up to an hour for the store to work again due to DNS TTL.