⚒ Experienced Developer - [Status - Available]


I am finally 100% satisfied with a service that I bought. I have been looking for over a year for the right developer and right services for my FiveM needs, and finally after a ton of wasted time and resources, I have found it! Samuel is amazing! I have never received the in-depth level of support that he gave me after only a few minutes of chatting about my needs he was very thorough and helpful when explaining to me what we should do. He was absolutely amazing answered all of my questions 100% and did not try to hide or get around anything. Is completely transparent about his work and is not fishy at all! Thanks to this guy for being the person that so many people can’t! 1000% Recommend to anyone needing some work done!



Hired Samuel a while back to help me and some friends out with a server we were trying to get going, and he was a huge help. From fixing bugs on scripts he’s never seen, to suggesting additions from his own personal collection. You won’t find anyone with better response time, and clearness. And if anything happens in terms of time, or issues, he lets you know right away, no beating around the bush, while still keeping it very professional. Two thumbs up, work was so good I had to come back for more. Highly recommended






bump good shi my boy!!!

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