[ESX] War script for PvP lovers | Wage war, organize team, fight!

:bomb:0war0 by sum00er :bomb:

This script was originally created for the Chinese(specifically, Taiwan) FiveM community. It is the perfect script for servers full of PvP lovers who always want to fight with other players.

This script utilises CritteR’s Lobby Style Menu Framework: [FREE] Lobby style menu framework


  • Menu lobby: wage war on enemy, organize team, get ready, show war details during war
  • Chat announcement: announce when war starts (with involved player list), and when war ends (with winner)
  • Involved player mark: overhead display teammate and enemy for easy recognition
  • War area: indicated by map blip and marker, involved players will be eliminated if they fail to enter the area within the set time.
  • System detection: automatically detect player elimination (upon death, out of area, or disconnect), war ends when all players were eliminated in one of the team
  • event upon non-involved players entering war area: switch player to passive mode/teleport to save coordinate/nothing to be done
  • Enable/disable no-car mode (vehicles will be deleted upon entering war zone)


Choose enemy

Organise team

Players in enemy team cannot be invited

Chat announcement

Youtube (turn on subtitle for English)

Get the script


Config = {}

--set to true if not using ESX Legacy | 設定為true如果不是使用ESX Legacy
Config.oldESX = false

--language setting | 語言設定
Config.Locale = 'en'

--marker size (x, y) determines the size of the war area | marker 的大小 (x, y) 決定野戰的範圍大小
Config.Marker = {show = true, type = 1, x = 850.0, y = 850.0, z = 850.0, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0} 

--stuff about map blip | 關於地圖圈點
Config.Blip = {show = true, color = 1}

--maximum no. of players in a team, -1 means no limit | 一隊內最大玩家數, -1 即沒有上限
Config.MaxTeam = 1

--what to do when uninvolved player enters | 不相關玩家進入時該做甚麼 
-- 1 = passive mode | 被動模式 ; 2 = tp to a certain place | 傳送到指定地點 ; 3 = do nothing | 甚麼都不做
Config.InCircleAction = 2

--coords to tp to if above is set to 2 (2 coords in case if one is in the war area)| 要傳送到的座標如果上面設定是2 (2個座標以防其中一個在範圍內)
Config.SafeCoords = {vec3(213.8014, -808.9715, 31.01489), vec3(213.8014, 5808.9715, 31.01489)}

--set true to delete the vehicle when driven in area | 設定為true 讓車輛駛進範圍內時被刪除
Config.NoCar = true

--time allowed for involved players to get into the area or he/she will be eliminated (in second) | 容許玩家進入範圍內的時間, 如果未在時間內進入範圍即淘汰 (秒)
Config.InTime = 300

--paste your webhook here for discord record | 在這裡貼上dc webhook 以接收紀錄
Config.Webhook = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/'
Code is accessible No for the main files
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 900
Requirements es_extended, esx_society
Support Yes