[ESX/QBCORE] ts_peds


Ped system menu with +831 vanilla peds included where staff or vip members can use peds, you can add vanilla or ped addons.

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Tebex Store

UPDATE 14/09/2023

  • Redesigned NUI Interface.
  • Now when you press ESC key the menu closes.

Video: https://youtu.be/Jgo2SFzhb6U



Ped Menu

+831 Vanilla Peds group by categories:


  • Compatible with ESX and QBCORE frameworks.
  • Change the command name to open the ped menu.
  • Change the command name to refresh the user (fixpj).
  • Configurable key for the user in control settings > FiveM.
  • Ability to add the peds you want to the menu.


  • Graphic interface using FiveM’s NUI.
  • Select peds by roles: staff or VIP (identifier).
  • All vanilla peds (+831 peds) included and grouped by categories.
  • Ability to add more categories to the vanilla or VIP peds list.
  • Ability to add more peds to existing categories or new categories.
  • You can use animal peds (aquatic peds won’t die when diving).
  • Weapons are saved when changing the ped and transferred to the new one.

Note: Acquiring this script, you will receive future updates to the script at no additional cost.


Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements ESX/QBCORE
Support Yes

My other works
ts_notify :loudspeaker:
ts_pmenu :memo:
ts_houserob :house:
ts_spawnpeds :walking_man:t2:
ts_ballaswar :hocho:
ts_centralbankrob :bank:


Looks really nice :smile:

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