[ESX/QBCORE] [PAID] AP SCRIPTS - DOJ/COURT SYSTEM | National Bar Association System

By far one of the very best court systems on the market. The ease of use down to the customization truly make it a helpful task. Adzee continues to amaze.

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Thanks Numinous :heart:

Is it compatible now with NPWD phone?

It can be compatible with the NPWD, if you grab the script/scripts I can sort it out for you but you will need to make a ticket once brought.


ESX Changes:

○ Added support for NH Keyboard.

ESX Files Updated: client/main.lua.

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Is there anything you guys would like too see to the script?

40% off both QBCore and ESX bundles with both scripts.

qb-npwd will be the new qb framework phone soon so everyone on qb will be using it its on GitHub

Just looked at the docs and this can be done

New Documents Script to go with the court system: [esx/qbcore] [paid] ap scripts - document system | jobs/gangs/identifier/public

I am on the qbcore side. The name of the player in my server is Chinese. After using the court plug-in, the name of the player will be displayed??? Question mark, how can I solve it

There was a duplication of names under the bar memberships, I tried to remove one name but it removed the person entirely. Nothing on the Judge panel will allow me to give the person access to take the bar again. How do I fix it?

Your best off opening a ticket in my support channels.



ESX Changes:

○ Added OX Libs support for menus & dialog.
○ Added Metadata support for lawyer ID Cards, see documentation for how to configure.
○ Added AP Scripts documentation file in the script folder.
○ Added support for ESX Legacy v1.9+.
○ Cleaned up some code.

ESX Files Updated: Whole Script has been changed please do not copy and paste files.


joined discord & it requires a useless capcha with open DM function.
As someone who avoids friend requests or dms from people I don’t know, I can’t verify myself on your discord, which is very sad. Therefore, I do not want to buy it and be left without any up-to-date information.

This feature to the discord is to filter out any alt accounts or bots to keep the discord safe, if you was to message me on here your discord name I can manually verify you.

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would love to see native support for LB phone!

If you’ve already brought the script then open a ticket and I can send you the snippet for the phone. If you haven’t then DM me after purchase and I’ll send you the snippet for LB Phone.

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perfect, sounds good! havnt bought yet - setting up QB server from scratch right now - but yes, 100% in the next couple days will do this!

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if i revoke someone’s bar license, how do I unrevoke it?