[ESX/QBCORE] [PAID] AP SCRIPTS - DOJ/COURT SYSTEM | National Bar Association System

I need help getting this setup! I have opened a ticket and read the documents that I was provided but I am having issues.

hey i bought the qb version but its only set up for ESX how can i get the qb setup

Can this be used on QB core/OX?

Yes it can

Hello, in the retake i believe u made a mistake on the export for the ap-questionnaire and u put ap-questionnare

And when tried to go around it and duplicate the questionnaire and rename it accordingly i get this

Which shows the answers but not the questions and after finishing the ui stays.

Thank you

This has just been resolved and an update has been made to the client/main.lua file, make sure to download the updated version and replace the client/main.lua file.

Hi the error is fixed but the retake exam still do not show the questions and only the answers.