📕[ESX / QBCORE] -> Mining-Job🗿 | Free version❤️

Hi good to see you again :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:, I am here with a new release for you guys but before i start let me thank two people:

@dividerz, thank you for the help with a small part of the code mate :wink:.

@M0SK4, Thank you for the help with the script tests💻.

[:closed_book:]About the job: you have two mining zones, one is for stones and the other is for rocks (in the mine shaft location) when the rocks value is the higher then the stones.
You have to get 15 stones / rocks to smelt them and then go to sell a pack of your smelted stones / rocks.

[:closed_book:]Script Features:
1) Mining effect - when hitting a stone / rock.
2) The mine shaft in open until the night(23:00).
3) You need to have a pickaxe as an item to be able to mine.
4) sound when hitting a stone / rock.
5) Coming soon - HP losing in the mine shaft while mining.
If you have any ideas you can suggest here!.

[:closed_book:]Script Settings:
Config.Lua - > will give you the option to switch between the old esx to the new one (esx legacy).
If you are using the esx legacy version please set the config to false and do the following thing:
Go to → fxmanifest.lua - > then go to → shared_scripts and then add this line → ‘@es_extended/imports.lua’ under → ‘main/config.lua’.

For the other things that you can do i left for you in the client side and the server side, several guidance instructions that can help you.
If you still have any problems leave me a message.

[:closed_book:]Script Dependencies:
I placed over the mine shaft some stones props by codewalker so you need to download the ymap file from here:

:mega:Sound system:
You need (Interact Sound) due to the sound effect:

> GitHub - plunkettscott/interact-sound: A resource providing the ability to play sounds using the FiveM NUI environment.

You can use the sound file from the sound folder, and if you have a different sound system so go and do it as your system.


Pictures from the job:

[:closed_book:]Script Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=149C9pWK_F8

[:closed_book:]Script Download:

GitHub - ArielZ123/Mining-Job: OverTrue RolePlay Mining-Job.

[:gear:]Script Optimization Pictures:
Ms when you are far from the markers of the job:

Ms when you are inside the markers of the job:

[:mag_right:]qbcore version:

[:closed_book:]In conclusion: I am trying my best its really hard to keep while army serving but i want to go in the same way and share with the community my scripts.
If you find any problems or want to help me to improve something let me know, and stay tuned for updates for this script as i told at the beginning.

See you until next time :wave:

[:red_circle:]Latest scripts:

-------- Update - > 26/11/2022 --------
Fixed script optimization.

-------- Update - > 12/08/2023 → QBCore Support --------
Here you can get an explanation about the item add if you don’t know: [Tutorial] QBCore - How to add items correctly

Download: GitHub - ArielZ123/Mining-job-QBCore: OverTrue RolePlay Mining-Job.

Note: I didn’t have enough time for testing, but if you have any problem let me know and i will help :blush:.


nice work bro

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Thank you :blush:

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If only the item had a picture

Well i can find one for you :wink:.

Hope to upload the pictures of the items as soon as possible, thank you. The plug-in is perfect

Nice bro!

It would be nice if it was for work only if you are a miner

Hi not a problem to add this feature as well, but my idea was to make that as an open job.

the bad thing is that I don’t know how to make it clear

[quote=“[:closed_book:] [ESX] - Woodcutting-job​:axe:, post:1, topic:4907504”]
need to have at least 15 Wood logs for the next station. Next station called ‘Wood Processi…

nice work!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Should i also convert to qbcore :thinking:?

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yes pls

ok i will let you as soon as possible + i will update the topic.
Stay tuned :blush:.

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QBCORE version coming soon on this Saturday :blush:: OverTrue RolePlay - Developments - QBCORE-Mining-Job. - YouTube

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-------- Update - > 12/08/2023 → QBCore Support --------
Here you can get an explanation about the item add if you don’t know: [Tutorial] QBCore - How to add items correctly

Download: GitHub - ArielZ123/Mining-job-QBCore: OverTrue RolePlay Mining-Job.

Note: I didn’t have enough time for testing, but if you have any problem let me know and i will help :blush:.

[:red_circle:]Latest scripts:

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The latest version of ESX 1.10.2 doesn’t work with minerals, as well as wood. You may need to update it! grateful。

Hi can you tell me more about the problem please?

Update - Problem fixed