🔫 [ESX/QB] Weapons & Items on back | Items, Weapons/Add-on on back | cortex_backitems

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This script allows you to put weapons or items on your back.

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Add-on Showcase

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  • Remove attached weapons/items when dropped from player’s inventory and attach when weapons/items is added to player’s inventory.

  • Remove attached weapons/items when player F8 quit/logout or game crashed

  • Support checking job for a specific weapon position | preview

  • Easy Config | You can add new weapons, add-on weapons or items in config with some small changes

  • Optimized | Running on 0.00 ms in idle and 0.00~0.07 ms when switching, holstering, adding or dropping weapon/item. (There’s no crazy thread/while loop in this resource.)


  • ESX | Compatible with ox_inventory and mf-inventory

  • QBCore | Compatible with ox_inventory, qb-inventory, lj-inventory and should works with qb-inventory edited or any custom inventory that still use built-in QBCore functions.


  • ESX | ox_inventory or mf-inventory

  • QBCore | qb-weapons, or none If you use ox_inventory



Event for remove attached weapons/items, like when using Clothing Store/Menu (client side).


And this to put them back.

Code is accessible Yes, config.lua, utils.lua and server.lua
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~200
Requirements qb-weapons for QBCore version
Support Yes

Bro , what is the diferrence of the free on github ?


Most of the free ones on GitHub are using a crazy thread loop real-time to check players to see if they have weapons or items in their inventory. which is bad for performance.
But this resource, it not.

And if you have two of the same gun in your inventory, the free one on GitHub will show only one on your back.
But this resource is not.

And as you can see in the preview, when you dropped or equipped your weapon. The other weapon on your back will automatically move to the perfect position.

And the main reason I made this script is to make it compatible with ox_inventory.

I’m not good at explaining things. but i hope you understand what I’m tryna say lol.
thanks for asking tho. :slight_smile:


who knows :smiley:

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hello. can you make it compatible with quasar inventory?


Man, I wish I could, but that’s paid inventory resource. So it’s quite difficult for me to take a look at it to see what I can do. :confused:

Does it work with addon weapons? If yes, can you share an example video? Other scripts like this usually do not work with addon weapons such as Marko Mods’.

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Would buy this if it was compat with MF inventory

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Yeah, as long you put the correct model of weapon in config.

It’s not that. It really doesn’t work bec of the way those weapon addons it’s modeled and structured.
I can send you my Modular M4 that I bought from MarkoMods so you can test it on your script for me and if it works then I’m defo buying this.

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Alright, if you don’t mind.

why it needs ox-inventory? Isnt it just listening to inventory remove/add events?

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Is it working with custom weapon names? So ex. instead of “WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE” the item name is “advancedrifle”

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can config to change the position or cant??


Yep, And it doesn’t have to be ox_inventory, it’s can be any inventory. But for now, I made it work with ox_inventory only (ESX).

Of course. But make sure it is the same name as in the inventory data.

Yeah, you can change your new position in config. (bone, x, y, z, rotation)

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Hey! just bought the script.
So there is a trouble, i understand the logic of why you did that! but could you add a type : like none so when you got none, even there is two same of the type, they are not mooving. so it let me place some type of weapon where i want! like pistol in the bottom of the back and ak in front of the boddy whitout mooving nothing! thanks

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I already done that, I’m planning push an update in a few days.
But you know, right? If you have two of same weapons, it will show only one.

yeah! but if i have an machete and a axe its moving both even i configure other bones or other coords

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