[ESX/QB] VMS Garages V2 | Most Advanced Garages & Parking System

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.9

[/] Fixed issues with saving the heading for enterOnFoot in Interior Parking using Parking Creator
[/] Fixed an issue with the blip "job_garage", which didn’t exist - it is now set to "job_garage". Remember that after saving, you can still modify everything in ./CREATED_PARKINGS/
[/] Fixed a bug that prevented re-clicking on a vehicle in the garage menu
[/] Fixed the transfer to a garage with a name consisting solely of numbers

vms_garagesv2 does not have a resource manifest (fxmanifest.lua)

vms_tuning does not have a resource manifest (fxmanifest.lua)

vms_vehicleshopv2 does not have a resource manifest (fxmanifest.lua)

esx_multicharacter does not have a resource manifest (fxmanifest.lua)

ox_banking does not have a resource manifest (fxmanifest.lua)

resources:esx_loadin] Warning: could not find file html/img/new (defined in fxmanifest.lua:11)

resources:np-phone] Warning: could not find server_script config.lua (defined in fxmanifest.lua:26)

resources:np-phone] Warning: could not find server_script server/sv_*.lua (defined in fxmanifest.lua:26

Pls help

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.1.0

[+] Added Config.AllowRecoveryBurnedVehicles: Allow recovery of burned vehicles on impound
[+] Added Config.AllowRecoveryVehiclesFromWater: Allow recovery of vehicles from water on impound - option in beta mode only works with the ocean. (Does not work with bodies of water such as lakes, rivers)
[+] Added Config.RemoveSaleAgreementItem, this allows you to remove a agreement item after it has been signed from both parties
[+] Added the option to rotate vehicles for parking spaces. This means that if the parking surface is not perfectly level, the vehicle will adjust to the space according to physics. (This requires a full update of config.garages.lua, as a rotation option has been introduced for each parking space in parkingSpaces. While the script can still function without it, vehicles will not align with the map angles.)
[/] Fixed a bug causing vehicles to float or be embedded in the ground in parking areas.
[/] Fixed the /givecar command for qb-core/qbx_core.
[/] Fixed a bug in the Parking Creator that prevented entering any value for Parking - Company and Models Restrictions.
[/] Fixed a bug that caused the vehicle type to load as the default vehicle type in the Parking Creator after configuring parking spaces, even if another type (e.g., plane) was selected.
[/] Fixed the possibility of vehicle destruction in the Parking Creator. This means that during the configuration of parking spaces, such as for planes, vehicles will no longer explode due to collisions between them.

i really like the script but its missing bikes and trucks & trailers

also I have question if you have 300 people parking the cars outside its not going to make it lagged

Hi ClawTownRP, thank you for your interest.

You don’t need to worry, vehicles are only created locally when you enter the PolyZone parking area, so we don’t keep created vehicles in memory. As I mentioned, they are created only upon entering the PolyZone. That said, if you create a massive parking lot with 300 parked cars, the player might experience a slight drop in FPS due to the high density of vehicle models in a small area. However, we use the best methods to minimize this, such as rendering vehicles only within the player’s camera view. Additionally, we have an option that limits the visibility of vehicles within a certain range. For example, you can set it to 10 meters, so players will only see vehicles within a 10-meter radius around them.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.2.0

[+] Introduced built-in compatibility with VMS Boss Menu society
[+] Introduced built-in compatibility with VMS City Hall VIN Generator
[+] Added Gang Garages & Gang Parkings - they have the same options as those for jobs, allowing you complete flexibility in configuration. It is recommended for gangs to use it in the same way as the default VagosParking or BallasGarage is registered.
[+] Added Private Garages - now using the hasAccess() function inside Config.Garages, you can add access conditions using, for example, information from PlayerData or identifier (possible to use, for example, for VIP roles on the server)
[+] Added Config.ParkingCreator.AutomaticLoad: This now allows newly created parking lots to automatically load for all players, meaning you can create parking lots one after another without needing to restart the resource.
[+] Added Config.ParkingCreator.Controls: This allows you to change the interaction keys.
[+] Added DrawLine for PolyZone creation in Parking Creator - facilitates visibility of the first point of the area shape.
[+] Added CL.SetOnVehicleSpawnLocally: This allows you to set the necessary data for parked vehicles in the parking lot.
[+] Added Config.PreventExplosionOfParkedVehicles: Prevents parked vehicles from exploding (This function is used in CL.SetOnVehicleSpawnLocally).
[+] Added Config.VehiclePropertiesStateBag and Config.RegisterStateBag: This allows you to rename the state bag if required – if you don’t need to make the change, don’t do it!
[+] Added automatic detection of the nearest free ID for House Garage (HouseGarage:ID) and adjustment of the free routing bucket in both house garages and interior garages between 1001 and 15000 when creating garages using the Parking Creator menu.
[+] Added missing updateVehicleNewOwner server-side export.
[+] Added the ability to set allowParkPrivateVehicles for company/gang garages. This will allow private vehicles to be parked, and the boss will not be able to manage them in the management menu if the vehicle is not registered to the company.
[+] Added protection against setting PolyZone point coordinates to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 when the point was out of range – you will now receive a notification about this.
[+] Added protection against setting points outside the PolyZone area for those that must remain inside the area in the Parking Creator menu.
[/] Introduced several visual changes to the Parking Creator menu, including help options.
[/] Optimized several methods for retrieving information from the database.
[/] Changed the method for detecting the LEFT MOUSE key press in Parking Creator, as it could sometimes require a double-click to accept the selected point during freecam.
[/] Changed the visibility of markers in company or gang parking lots – if you do not belong to the company or gang for which the parking is designated, you will not see the markers.
[/] Improved the functionality of the checkAreaOccupied option.
[/] Improved display of blips for parking garages configured as a company/gang

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.2.1

[/] Patch to protect against unwanted errors for ESX users when you don’t have xPlayer.job2
[/] Fixed the ability to recover gang vehicles in impound
[/] Fixed a bug that prevented the transfer of a company/gang vehicle for grade level 0

Hi there, love the garage system, it’s amazing, but we gmhave one issue and I can’t find how to fix it. When picking up parked car the character gets in and the shows looking for keys every time. Any suggestions much appreciated

Hi, nice to hear from you, glad you like the resource!

Customize Config.AddVehicleKeysOn and Config.RemoveVehicleKeysOn to your preference in config.lua, and if your key system is not supported by default, customize CL.GiveVehicleKeys and CL.RemoveVehicleKeys in config.client.lua.

Thank you, will try this and report back.

Just tried that and not working. Key system we use is Renewed-Vehiclekeys. I just don’t understand what else could be. It’s a bit annoying for players. You get in the car you can start it and it looks for the keys.

you need to implement exports in config.client.lua

That’s done also, just double checked with dev. Anything else that could be wrong? What key systems are supported? If we can’t resolved changing key system is the route we need to go. Cos I like the parking system too much to give up.

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Any key system can be customized, you just need to enter the exports correctly and customize Config.AddVehicleKeysOn and Config.RemoveVehicleKeysOn, I personally tested wasabi_carlock - it works seamlessly

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Sorry my dev said that I have explained it wrong. We do receive the keys when we get in the car that’s parked, when player starts the car with let’s say G it starts the car and starts to look for the key, after the emote is finished player can drive off. Other way is to get in the car and get out then after car is started can drive off

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.2.2

[+] Added error debug to protect SV.Database misconfiguration
[/] Fixed bug related to transfer of company/gang vehicles
[/] Fixed bug preventing a company/gang vehicle from being taken from a public garage by an employee/member authorized to do so