About script
This script fully allows you to create a vehicle shop directly in the game.
- You create shops directly in the game.
- You can create shops that are accessible to everyone.
- You can create shops only for jobs.
- You can set what grade can buy company vehicles.
- You can limit the number of vehicles.
- Automatic discounts that are generated according to your settings.
- NPC events that sell cheaper vehicles, but it depends on your settings.
- Creation of demonstration vehicles.
- You can create shops for cars, boats and planes.
- Billboards where you can see all the NPC vendors if you don’t have an LB-phone.
If the player buys for a job and chooses to pay with “Bank” the money is deducted from the job account.
VIP currency support
- You can add export for your VIP currency.
- If the currency is not set it will not be displayed.
This video will show you the features offered by the script.
The video won’t play? Never mind click here.
LB-Phone App
You can find a free app for lb-phone on my github.
App name: 4doors.
The application will be gradually visually improved.
Click here for free app
If you don’t have an lb-phone you can use notifications or billboards.
Tech data
Lua, React, Typescript were used to create this script
Config = {}
Config.VehicleShopPedModel = "a_f_y_business_04"
Config.NPCSellers = {
ped = vector4(1150.1731, 97.2355, 80.7348, 55.2084),
vehicle = vector4(1149.7805, 100.1388, 80.1865, 67.9038),
ped = vector4(393.5826, -643.6544, 28.5004, 239.5236),
vehicle = vector4(393.2438, -646.8555, 28.0885, 268.9366),
Config.NPCPeds = {"csb_abigail", "csb_mp_agent14"}
Config.TestDriveTime = 30 -- Seconds
Config.DiscountGenerationTime = 1 -- Minutes
Config.MaxDiscountPercentage = 20
-- This is used in the database just if you have different types of garages.
Config.VehicleTypes = {
Cars = "car",
Planes = "aircraft",
Boats = "boat"
Config.Blip = {
types = {
car = 56,
planes = 16,
boats = 410,
setup = {
size = 0.5,
color = 5,
display = 2,
Config.PreviewVehiclesColors = { -- Random select for preview vehicles
38, 17, 43, 44, 54
-- This changes the virtual world during the test drive.
Config.ChangeRoutingBucket_TestDrive = false
--- NOTIFY for NPC sells
Config.UseLBPhoneApp = true
-- or
Config.SendNotifyToAllForDiscount = true
Config.SendNotifyToAllForNpcSeller = true
-- and
Config.UseBillboard = true
Config.BillboardsPos = {
vector3(-1.4804, -1110.3441, 28.7982),
--- You can use this https://github.com/dolutattoo/dolu_tool
Config.BillboardsObjects = {
model = "hei_prop_carrier_panel_2",
coords = vector3(-1.30599999427795, -1109.7935791015625, 28.98516769409179),
rot = vector3(-1.93984615802764, 0.42336818575859, -20.08217620849609)
Config.RandomStringsForBillboards = {
"I am selling this beautiful vehicle for a great price.",
"This vehicle is serving well, but I need something new.",
"PLS Scripts has released a new script and I need money.",
-- If you want customize vehicle data showed in vehicle shops go to client/open.lua
-- If you want customize MYSQL go to server/open.lua
-- Minimum grade for vehicle purchases.
Config.JobGradesForBuy = {
["police"] = 4,
["mechanic"] = 4,
Client side: open.lua
- You get access to get maximum speed.
- You get access to a feature that calculates brakes.
- You get access to a function that calculates acceleration.
- You get access to events that trigger both phone notifications and classic notifications.
Server side: open.lua
- You get complete access to the function including mysql which is used to purchase the vehicle.
- You can also add custom perms for use.
- Editable commands
- Exports for VIP coins.
- Open function for vehicle keys.
Tebex store
Escrow: https://store.polisek.io/package/6244503
Source: https://store.polisek.io/package/6244506
Check my other resources
Mower job
Job system
Weed growing
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 2000+ |
Requirements | ox_lib, oxmysql, (ESX or QB) |
Support | Yes |