[ESX] [QB] Tuna Flights - Fly to ANY Airport (NPC) - Airplane - Aircraft - Plane - Flight Script


Tuna Flights is a script developed for Fivem, providing a unique system to fly to ANY airport you would like to! Los Santos, Cayo Perico, Sandy Shores, Grapeseed and other Addon maps are supported to ensure that you have the best experience of flight for your players. With that, your will be able to create your custom flights and routes to let everything as you wish.

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Find out our documentantion for this script here. There you will get more information about the included features and how it works.


  • Script Configurable - Include several options to set it at your own style.

  • Optimized Script running at 0.00ms idle and 0.01ms when performing a task.

  • Menu Support for ox_lib (menu), qb-menu, nh-context and other menus.

  • Any Airport - Configure routes for any airports.

  • Any Aicraft/Airplane - Any vehicle is supported, including addons.

  • Flight Ticket Items - Have flight tickets as items (optional)

  • Travel to Any Location - Get a flight to locations without airports


  • ESX or QBCore
  • Any menu system to control the actions to take a flight

Game Build N/A

Note: Client protected. Other files open for customization. More info at script docs.

Other Projects


This script is using FiveM escrow system. For more information please visit the documentation above.

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~700
Requirements No
Support Yes