[ESX/QB] - MusicEverywhere - Car Radio

MusicEverywhere V2.0

MusicEverywhere is a powerful and versatile script tool designed specifically for FiveM servers, allowing you to create a custom audio experience for your players. With a range of features and customization options, this script is perfect for anyone looking to enhance the audio experience and make the RP more immersive on their FiveM server.

In addition to working on vehicles, MusicEverywhere is a script that also allows you to set coordinates for fixed zones that can play music. This means that you can designate specific areas of your FiveM server, such as shops, public areas, or other locations, to automatically play the music that is currently being broadcasted., providing them with a truly immersive and engaging audio experience.



There are several options in the config.lua to change, which should be changed to your liking.

Principal Features:

  • Ability to play music from YouTube and any audio URL file
  • Create a queue and add URL’s to favorites
  • See the history of last played musics
  • Change the volume and music current time
  • Set a loop for continuous playback
  • Customize the radio design for each unique vehicle
  • Easy installation and configuration
  • And much more…


  • mysql-async or oxmysql



High Level of Configuration:

As with any other script made by me, this script has a high level of different settings, which can and should be changed to suit your own taste. (Translations, Locations, and many others options…)


If you have already purchased the old script, you’ll be pleased to know that you automatically own this as well. Note that this is not an update, but it’s a complete remake of MusicEverywhere, where both server and client files were completely remade.

Additional Information:

Current Price: 15.00 EUR (without taxes)

(Limited) Promotial Code: MUSICEVERYWHERE

More information on (Buy page):

My Tebex page:

Check out my other scripts here:

Code is accessible Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements Mysql/Onesync
Support Yes

Your new job looks great, good job and very good treatment and speed in discord :heart:


Thanks mate, really appreciated :heart:
It is very gratifying to see this kind of messages… :facepunch:

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Asweome! Great work!

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For the people who brought V1 do we get V2? or would we need to buy V2?

Yes you do :slight_smile:
It’s not an “update”, it’s a complete rework.
Feel free to send me a PM so I can re-assign it again
Thank you for your support btw

How well does the music keep up in cars at high speeds and can you set the zones to be locked to jobs?

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Hey there! Pretty well, as now it really follow the entity and not the “updated coords”.
Yes, you can lock each zone by any job you want.
Thanks for your support <3

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Amazing, thank you! Will be snapping this up!

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So just got the script we love it but after looking to add it into the live and testing we find out that musicmanger is using between 0…25-0.35ms i mean this is not optimised?


what is musicmanager even used for as 3 scripts for one script?

Will this be fixed?


I came here to say the same thing. MusicEverywhere, while really cool, is having a severe impact on our server. I really hope you rectify this as it’s a great resource otherwise.


Hey there! We are just doing some adjustments as I didn’t have much opportunities to test it in a server with more than 20 players. I will announce when it’s better.
Thanks anyway for your support <3

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Update v2.0.1 (Hotfix)


  • General Optimization (Mainly from CPU usage)
  • Fixed some weird crash regarding events overflows

(You should replace all the old files with this ones)

This update is not mandatory, however, I will not support older versions of the script.
Thanks for the support <3

Credits to: @irate @casioprompt and @lusoroleplay


Its better , but still like 0.10 to 0.11 , would be nice to see it at around 0.5.

Update v2.0.2 (Hotfix)


  • General Optimization (Mainly from CPU usage)
  • Fixed another crash regarding events overflows

(You should replace all the old files with this ones)

This update is not mandatory, however, I will not support older versions of the script.
Thanks for the support <3

Its still about 0.10 to 0.15.

Be nice to see it around 0.05 max hope it gets updated again soon for more optimization

Any updates?

Update v2.0.3 (Hotfix)


  • General Optimization (Not much)
  • Fixed another crash regarding events overflows

(You should replace all the old files with this ones)

This update is not mandatory, however, I will not support older versions of the script.
Thanks for the support <3

So issue with this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/793117130211459073/1114654238291804200/image.png

Also the music stutters and lags when you play the music now.

Why not convert it to use xsound as its more optimised than the http way?

Update v2.0.4 (Hotfix)


  • Fixed the “lag” in the sound

(You should replace all the old files with this ones)

This update is not mandatory, however, I will not support older versions of the script.
Thanks for the support <3