[ESX/QB] [FREE] Fuel System [dsco_fuel]

Hello everyone, I’m excited to introduce our latest modification to the fuel station. I’ve added the following amazing features:

:rocket: Features:

  • Nozzle and hose
  • Pump interface
  • Customization of fuel consumption
  • Purchase and refill of containers

I hope you enjoy these new functionalities and enhance your refueling experience! :red_car::dash:
Download: GitHub - SilantroX/dsco_fuel: ND_FUEL converted to ESX/QBCORE
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ0cL9qGqbA

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800
Requirements es_extended or qb-core
Support Yes

ox inventory ready?


No, but we will consider it for future updates :grin:

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It look like the ND Fuel. :thinking:

Also codes, file locations and names are everything same with his script.


Yes, on GitHub, we give full credit to ND-Framework and specify that we only modified it by adding a more futuristic interface and converting it to ESX

Do you have permission?

You are currently in violation of the GPL-3.0 license. When modifying the project, it’s essential to:

  1. Clearly state the changes made from the original project.
  2. Provide the corresponding source code.
  3. Ensure proper and explicit attribution to the original creators.

The “credits” added to the README file in Spanish fall short of proper attribution, both under the GPL-3.0 and common open-source practices.

Additionally, I’m curious about your decision to create a new repository instead of utilizing the fork feature available, which simplifies compliance with open-source licenses and maintains a clear project lineage.


He dosn’t need permission as long as he just did the proper guidelines as mentioned by andy above

I understand, I will update it to ensure that everything is in order and compliant with all requirements.

Now, we have compatibility with qb-core. We’ve added an event to automatically remove the fuel can once the vehicle is fully refueled, and we’ve updated our GitHub repository to ensure compliance with all the requirements set by the original script creator.

At this moment, you can use it with ox_inventory without any issues :grin:

Does the gas can work?

I don’t understand your question, but the script is a fuel system, like LegacyFuel but with more realism when refueling and with compatibility with esx and qb-core


Very good job, I love the script, the only thing is when I want to store it in a garage, it doesn’t save the gasoline

We are working on a more optimized version 2 and greater functionality :smiley:

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Hi is there anyway to make the language in English?.

Yes, remember that the code is totally open so you can explore it and replace all the messages from English to Spanish

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I think it’s somehow little better than Andy’s that you don’t need any resources that you don’t want for your gaming server