🏁[ESX][QB CORE] Race System - Race For Best Time [PAID]


Are you ready to take your Fivem experience to the next level? Do you want to feel the rush of adrenaline as you compete in thrilling races? Look no further than our Fivem race system! Our feature-rich and customizable race system is perfect for any Fivem server looking to add an exciting and competitive element.


  • :motorway: Fully customizable tracks: With our race system, you can create your own unique tracks with checkpoints, starting grids, and more. No two races will ever be the same!

  • :trophy: Leaderboards: Keep track of the top racers on your server with our detailed leaderboard system. See who’s on top and challenge them to a race to claim the throne.

  • :red_car: Racing vehicles: Our race system supports a wide range of racing vehicles, from sports cars to motorcycles. You can even create your own custom vehicles to race with!

  • :lock: Anti-cheat protection: We take cheating seriously, which is why our race system comes with built-in anti-cheat protection. You can rest assured that all races will be fair and fun.

  • :sun_with_face: Customizable race settings: Customizable race settings: you can adjust the difficulty level to make races easier or harder, depending on your race levels.

  • :round_pushpin: Blips and Photos: Our race system includes the ability to add race blips and photos, so your players can easily find and preview upcoming races.

Showcase Video :video_camera:

Documentation :books:

You can find the script documentation here


Purchase :shopping_cart:

Tebex Escrow

Tebex Open Source

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1500
Requirements ESX or QB
Support Yes

My Other Scripts

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:rainbow: Spawn Selector

:rainbow: Character Creator

:rainbow: Register System

:rainbow: Garage System


So this is pretty much a timetrial?

is there a way a player can get money if he beats his best score or the highscore?