[ESX][PAID] Humane Labs Heist

Save the Chimps!

The Humane Labs Mini Heist/Robbery is I believe, one of the more unique scripts designed around Humane Labs.

You’ve been given the task to free the poor, defenseless test animals (in this case, the chimps) by one of Los Santos most revered animal lovers, the hippies. They’re located at the Hippie Park right outside of Sandy Shores by default.

The way it’s setup, after starting the job you’ll take the van to humane labs, take out the guards and free three of the animals inside. Once carrying them to the van, you’ll place them inside, drive the van back to the loving hippie and deliver each chimp to him. Each chimp you deliver, he will pay you. Bring him all three, and he’ll give you a bonus (if set up in the config). You can add as many, or as few guards as you’d like straight from the config.

The script is fully editable, resmon runs it at 0.0 ms, may jump to 0.02. It comes with an easy to edit config file where you will be able to make all the major changes needed including cops required, the job name of the cops, payout (clean/dirty money), the weapons the guards use, how many guards, a bonus for bringing all the chimps, etc.

The code inside the scripts is fully commented and very easy to follow.

If you need help setting it up, have any questions, comments, or requests, just drop me a message and I’ll more then gladly get back to you.

The script relies on the following dependencies:
PolyZone - GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone
bt-target - GitHub - brentN5/bt-target
progressBars (optional) - GitHub - EthanPeacock/progressBars

start PolyZone
start bt-target
start gl-humanerobbery

Make sure that is the load order

If you’d like to not use any of the dependencies, once purchasing contact me and I’ll set up your version how you need if you’re unable.

The config is small and simple

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dope and optimized

A little suggestion (based on what i saw in video) :slight_smile:
Do a carry animation on chimp.

Good work :+1:

Thanks for the suggestion! Originally there was an animation but as soon as you hit the doors (since your character pushes them open) the animation would stop and the chimp would just pop back up like that, so once I figure out a solution I’ll happily add it back :slight_smile: Thanks for checking it out.

Can you release your version of bt-target maybe?

use IsEntityPlayingAnim()

if not IsEntityPlayingAnim(ped, animDict, animName, 3) then

-- play animation again


run this in a loop until the chimp is detached from player

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Thanks for that, will update it later!

My version of bt-target is the base one from the download, Inside my humanerobbery script I use his exports to set up the locations to use the Alt menu on

Nice job, different than my Humane Labs Robbery! I appreciate it!

Quick update I realized it was a little wonky with OneSync so I’ve updated the script and it should be all good.

This made my day. I’ve been looking at different Humane Labs Robberies and this has delighted me. Keen to give it a whirl and support the development of this project! Nice job!

:slight_smile: I’m glad! If you need any help getting it set up, or changing things or running into any errors just let me know here or DM me directly and I’ll gladly help ya out. I’ll get animations on the carrying of the chimps here eventually and some other minor tweaks and updates.

Yes but can you release the animation of that? The HTML seems different than official one.

Ah that’s what you meant sorry, let me think about it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Quick update: The chimp now is in an animation when carrying (You throw him over the shoulder), tebex link has been updated and everyone who previously bought it has been sent the code to change.

Chimp Carry

Hey this looks really cool, would be keen to buy but wanted to know if you can change it from a chimp to any other item? like a keycard or chemicals for drugs?

You can certainly change what is required to whatever you’d like @team_fishbowl, but you’d remove a lot of the functionality of the script/targetting in doing so.

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