[ESX] [Paid] gmto-samp | Advanced SAMP / SA:MP Inspired Chat System


Are you ready to take your FiveM server to the next level? Introducing gmto_samp, the revolutionary chat system inspired by SA:MP that will transform the way players interact and experience your server. With lots of advanced commands, gmto_samp changes how you and your server’s players interact with each other in your server.

Constant Updates:

gmto_samp has frequent updates, ensuring a steady stream of new and exciting features to keep your server fresh.

:star2: Elevate Player’s Experience:

Let gmto_samp redefine the way your players experience your server. Watch as their interactions become more immersive, enjoyable, and memorable.

Quick PSA:

We had released this script before, now its back! I also have a Spanish Version, if you would like it please DM me on the cfx.re forums :). (Please let me know if this isn’t allowed)

Config.lua Preivew:

Preivew ((Slightly Out-dated!))


:moneybag: Affordable Price:

25$! - Was 30 :).

:shopping_cart: Where can i buy this?
Purchase Here

Code is accessible Only Config.lua
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2,000+
Requirements es_extended, ox_lib
Support Yes
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this dude is the best dev ive ever hired and im constantly buying his scripts recommend hella

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Thank you for the support! :heart:

30$ for a basic chat ???

It’s 25, and it’s not a “basic chat”, a basic chat would be a couple of commands, this has lots of unique commands.

And if you didn’t like the “basic chat” you shouldn’t have commented and you should’ve just kept it to yourself, so much toxicity on these forums…

seems you cant set up a tebex product because its 30 USD

It has been like this for a while…

New Update Coming Soon w/ a possible price change!

Can you add modification instructions and font modification configurations to the configuration file?My first language is Chinese. Some fonts that do not support UTF8 will not display the text normally when displaying Chinese. Instead, â–ˇ will appear instead of the text.Also, does this script support my modification to my language?

I don’t know if im allowed to give you my discord but here it is:

Is there an opensourced version of this?

Send me a pm

What’s the difference between it and this one? [Free]Standalone SAMP Chat Style | nb-rpchat

I think it’s clear what the difference is. nb-rpchat only has these commands

/ooc /o text
/close /c  text
/me text
/whisper id text
/local /l text
/b text --local ooc
/shout text
/do text

My script has way more.
Further more, they clearly have a different look to them.

If you want to go for a free version, i think their product is a pretty good starting point. But my script offers way more, including esx compatibility (With names, jobs, and more), which is not a feature in their script.

Hello, I am a player from China, I want to translate the in-game display into Chinese after purchasing your plugin, but I can’t find where I can change it, please can you tell me how to modify the language,.Is there a megaphone instruction, please?look forward to your reply!

Why your left the prints on obsfuscated part? doesnt make sense lol, theres not a debug option on config or even locales to translate it

how to install the chat