[ESX][PAID]Coffee Job

Aloha! Today I bring you another RP Job that I was requested to put together. Featuring, Bean Machine.

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It’s a Coffee Shop of course. Nothing too fancy, come in and make some coffee for your server.
But why!? Well, to provide your server with more opportunities to RP. Some people don’t enjoy the grind jobs, so why not give your Civilians something better to do and interact with people.

Map is included in the Readme, but if you have your own or prefer another coffee shop, the locations are VERY easy to change. Just look for the exports for bt-target in client.lua and change the Coords (and minZ/maxZ)

So, what do you do here?

  • Make Coffee
    That’s it!
    But not really.
  • You also make Espresso!
  • (And give out Muffins!)
    … And that’s actually it.

Go through the process of Making Coffee. (Boiling the Water, Adding the beans!)
Espresso makes itself. Making Espresso will dirty up the machine, eventually causing it to catch Fire if you don’t clean it. Uses esx_society for the boss menu. Charging customers will put funds straight into the society fund, grabbing supplies takes from the society fund.

This script uses the following dependencies:
PolyZone - Required
bt-target - Required

Mythic_Notify - Or Your Desired Notification Resource

Still interested? Grab it here on Tebex.
Upon Purchase you’ll receive an E-mail and the Download Link.

Some of my other scripts: Oxy/Deliveries | Taco Job | Meth Making | Mechanic Job | BMX Comp Standalone | Burger Shot Job | Humane Labs Robbery | Fitness, Group Yoga & More | More Interactive Stores | Jewelry Store


Looks great! I just think it’s a pity that you use bt-target, somehow it doesn’t fit to the general ESX style. :thinking: :wink:


MLO is included?

The mlo is included in the readme. If you just want that, it’s freely available (Google beanmachine gta5 mods)

You think so? Why must the esx style be limited to ugly markers or floating draw text? Nonetheless, thanks for your opinion it’s much appreciated. :grin:

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I have seen tons of esx servers use bt-target now what do you mean? And I dont see how bt-target “wouldnt” fix esx…

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Maybe, I just think that a mixture of bt-taget menus and the normal esx menus is just crap. If there is also a script on the server, which uses NativeUI or something like this, it is just a mixture of many different menus…

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To be fair, you can easily swap up the menu with for example, the nh-context menu. I just don’t change it because I don’t know what menus people use on their servers. Just like there are 20 different notification scripts.

But it’s perfectly okay to have your own opinion on esx and what you think it should be

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Hello, I bought the script and I was wondering if it is not allowed to rename the script how am I supposed to dupe it to use it for multiple coffee shops?

You are allowed to do whatever you want with it other then releasing it, if you rename the script you need to go into the Javascript and rename from gl-coffee to whatever you want

Hey I tried installing the script on 1.2 and it works well but when I get the beans I can not boil coffee or make coffee from the machine it always says not enough ingredients despite having them…

Sent you a DM Sir