[ESX][PAID] AFK Checker


This script constantly checks the people on your server who are afk, after a certain period of time asks people for math operation and kicks those who do not respond to that operation.

Config Example

Config, Locale = {}, {}

Config.locale = "en"
Config.maxAfkTime = 900 -- Maximum AFK Time
Config.maxAnswerTime = 40 -- Maximum Answer Time
Config.dontKickAdmins = true -- When its true, it doesn't kick admins and super admins. (only for esx)
Config.minPlayersToEnable = 0 -- Minimum players to enable script
Config.enableOnlyServerIsFull = true -- Enable script if only server is full

Not encrypted

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Other Scripts


Well from what I can see this is a little bit more in-depth with a question, rather than movement to determine if the player is actually at their system, and not AFK or using a AFK mover.

Requires to contact after purchase, this should not be a requirement. Make your package a downloadable package so people receive the download upon purchase.

This script can gets server’s maxplayers, checks online players, checks user group, asks a mat. operation waits for an input. This is not the script you shared.

Yes, you are right. This is not a simple AFK or Not AFK system.

Make for vRP please!!!

i am having an issue that after the first time i go AFK and type in the code i cant go afk again. Also moving doesnt stop the count. I still get kicked.

Does your problem continue?

Nice one, but there was a free script exactly like this like 2 years ago :confused: