[ESX] Kypo-Drug-Effect | Usable Drugs | Drug Effects

not working for me

Seems like the FX_Version is no longer working?

I fixed this by replacing the version curclean i think it was with adamant

What is your solution

Thank you for the script!
Is there maybe a way to make them unusable while sitting in a car?
Because if you use them in a car you spawn outside it

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how to add this into TREW HUD?

I can use the items like weed_pooch, meth_pooch, opium_pooch or coke_pooch but there are no effects

Can anyone help?

You need to modify the code a little to add it so those items are usable

if you have screen effect for anything like when ur hurt ur screen flashes red or something it could be stopping the timecycles

i cannot find the sell location

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How do i change the number of cops that has to be online

this is just drug effects it does not add drugs to ur server :stuck_out_tongue:

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@kypo hey bro I putet the script in to my server and disabled esx_drugeffect now when I use the drugs nothing happens do you know why this happen ?

For some odd reason, even after I changed the coke & meth to the items I have in my database, nothing happens when I use them. The weed works just fine. Any help?


change in script only not in the database and in the script you need change 2 times you’re item
like this:
– Item use

ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘coke_pooch’, function(source)

    local _source = source

local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)

xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('coke_pooch', 1)

TriggerClientEvent('kypo-drug-effect:onCoke', source)


i change coke to coke pooch

is tehre a way if i took meth that i get +25% healt not just get all the time just 50% fix?

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yeah can easily change it all client side

i just can change the amount of effect like from 50% to 75% but i want to smoke 1 joint and it gives 25% amor and another joint so thann i have 50% but when i smoke 2 i get 25%. sry for my english. so i mean the amount of amour is fix you know