[ESX] Kypo-Drug-Effect | Usable Drugs | Drug Effects

thats not apart of this script maybe you have this installed aswell [RELEASE] esx_drugeffects (Fast run effect) and its doing 2 effects

nothin happens when i use the drugs it just removes it from my inventory

same problem

it should be working?

when i take something he just takes it out of his pocket but nothing else happens so no effect

i have just tested the latest version of the script and its working fine remember u need to have the drugs that it calls for in the script

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I have all the items in the database through my drug script, I have also synchronized everything but it does not work

are your retarded?


Yes, if it comforts you

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How to reduce the time effect? like esx_drugeffects?

client.lua theres a Citizen.Wait(100000) which is 100 seconds change that to say 50000 for 50 seconds ect

I love this release :slight_smile:

my server loves these, Im thinking about making a 2nd batch of drugs, should be simple if i just rename the resource, then rename the items used again, They love the idea of having different strains of weed.

Do it, but when I use 2 coke for example, the time of the effect dont match with the drug field in the hud. How can I solve this?

I love this!!
so im trying to mess with the timecycle modifiers to change the effects

  local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
    while not HasAnimSetLoaded("move_m@drunk@slightlydrunk") do
    exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('success', 'You took some Dream Queen!')
    TaskStartScenarioInPlace(playerPed, "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING_POT", 0, 1)
    SetPedMotionBlur(playerPed, true)
    SetPedMovementClipset(playerPed, "move_m@drunk@slightlydrunk", true)
    SetPedIsDrunk(playerPed, true)
    AnimpostfxPlay("SuccessMichael", 10000001, true)
    ShakeGameplayCam("DRUNK_SHAKE", 1.5)
    SetEntityHealth(GetPlayerPed(-1), 200)```

here is a example,  the spectator9 does not seem to work,  it might flash for  a second. looks like the animpostfxplay might be overideing it, removing it does not help though. there are tons of timecycle effects would love to mess with them more
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what hud in them photos?

Thats fairly inefficient. You dont need to create a new resource just to get more drugs. You can simply go into the server.lua, copy the lines for items, paste them, rename the items and save it. Do the same thing in the client.lua and you’re good to go.

I moved all of my drugs into your script it is amazing! thank you. I been tring to build a brand new drug, basically for halloween, one that gives super jump, “SetSuperJumpThisFrame” is a native for it, but cannot seem to get it working.
was wanting a new frills items that would work with your system that would give super jump for a limited amount of time. then maybe move in to combos of speed/health/armor. Any Ideas or pointers? Maybe even a halloween release? I love you!! thanks for all your hard work!

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thanks I moved it all to one and it works amazing thanks again!


For some reason i noticed my Timecycle modfiers are not working right now, have you ran into issues with that and AnimpostfxPlay? its almost like they flash for .5 sec Tring to figure out what could be conflicting with them. for example vmenu use to let me cycle through all the modifiers.