IamAdren's Trucking Job
This trucking job operates from a SQL table with shipments in it, the shipments get reset every x seconds allowing for limited shipments. This resource is 83% LUA, I was planning on using 100% JS but found that car spawns, server side xPlayer payments weren't working 100% of the time so I put them onto LUA.
- Shipments are in the database.
- Shipments get refilled every refreshRate seconds.
- 83% Written in JavaScript.
- Discord command with available shipments.
FiveM Setup
CD Into the folder Not while the FXServer is started!
npm i
Run the SQL File into your MySQL Server.
Edit the config with your MySQL Detail
module.exports = {
mysql: { // SQL Login Details
host : 'localhost',
user : 'root',
password : '',
database : 'adren'
refreshRate: 5 * 60000, // *5 Minutes* (Refresh Rate is how long until the database gets refilled)
botToken: '', // Found on Discord.com/developers
prefix: '!'
- Edit the config.js with your delivery locations.
// Default delivery locations
module.exports.locations = [
1: {
value: [2500, 4500], // Random amount per delivery for tier 1
maxInDB: 5,
locations: [
{name: 'PDM', x: -15.93, y: -1104.25, z: 25.67, vehicles: ['mule', 'boxville2']},
{name: 'Luxury Autos', x: -810.84, y: -228.29, z: 36.21, vehicles: ['mule', 'boxville2']},
{name: 'Bob Mulét Hair Salon', x: -829.9, y: -191.6, z: 37.46, vehicles: ['rumpo']},
{name: 'Airport', x: -1136.81, y: -2688.62, z: 13.94, vehicles: ['benson']},
{name: 'Post OP (HQ)', x: -409.13, y: -2795.72, z: 6, vehicles: ['boxville2']}
2: {
value: [5500, 7500], // Random amount per delivery for tier 2
maxInDB: 4,
locations: [
{name: 'Xero 24 (Postal 4027)', x: 264.38, y: -1244.98, z: 28.14, vehicles: ['mule', 'boxville2']},
{name: 'Gas (Postal 802)', x: 1780.95, y: 3330.17, z: 40.25, vehicles: ['mule', 'boxville2']},
{name: 'LTD (Mirror Park)', x: 1169.84, y: -317.44, z: 69.18, vehicles: ['mule']},
{name: 'Airport', x: -1136.81, y: -2688.62, z: 13.94, vehicles: ['benson']},
{name: 'Post OP (Paleto)', x: -429.02, y: 5132.21, z: 31.48, vehicles: ['boxville2']}
3: {
value: [8500, 11500], // Random amount per delivery for tier 3
maxInDB: 1,
locations: [
{name: 'Paleto Warehouse', x: 201.5, y: 6399.78, z: 31.38, vehicles: ['phantom']},
{name: '24/7 (Mount Chiliad)', x: 1718.34, y: 6423.8, z: 33.21, vehicles: ['mule']},
{name: 'LTD (Grapeseed)', x: 1694.01, y: 4915.19, z: 42.08, vehicles: ['mule']}