[ESX][JavaScript][Discord Integration] IamAdren's Trucking Job!

Thanks for helping me with this script on disc awesome dev

I try to install it, but i cant get it working, dont understand the install step #1 and #2 :nerd: is there anyone who can help?

im getting this error
es_extended: TriggerServerCallback => [getOtherPlayerData] does not exist

as far as i can tell its refusing to connect to my mysql

Thanks jorrit :slight_smile:

Do you have Node JS?

Do you have ESX Installed?

yes i do lol

Hello IamAdren, Yes i have Node JS installed, but first time i have to use it :slightly_smiling_face:

I get the same error as physbo on ESX v1 aswell!

I will have to look into this. It worked on my version

Hi! what a nice jobā€¦
but i need help to use, i cant find the blip in the game to start the job, iā€™m in the location where it supose to be but isnt here

i am having this error in the console:
[script:TruckingJob-m] SCRIPT ERROR in timer: ReferenceError: connection is not defined
[script:TruckingJob-m] > resetLoad (@TruckingJob-master/server/AutoShipment.js:19)
[script:TruckingJob-m] > (@TruckingJob-master/server/AutoShipment.js:4)

and when i trie to run de sql on heidsql iā€™m reciving this error:
Note:Storage engine InnoDB of the table ā€˜adrenā€™.ā€˜truckingloadsā€™ doesntā€™have this option

please, help me

Miss mart more and more everyday :sob: