ESX Inventory HUD - what happened, what it looks like now and other

Hey there,
since I am still getting questions about esx_inventoryhud:

I decided to write down this topic as a little FAQ, writing down the reason of why i abandoned and took down whole project and what happened with it.

I started to work on esx_inventoryhud because there was not any resource giving nice UI to ESX inventory and I was not happy with default esx inventory menu. Inspired by new NoPixel inventory, I started to work on it and first version took me about 3 days to finish. It looked just like that:

Later I changed whole style, added second inventory for shops, trunk, storages, … and added more options:

Rise and fall of Inventory HUD
Resource started to spread really fast, after like 2 weeks more then 1500 servers were using it. But with that, there appeared to be alot of new problems.

Problem 1: Resellers
Something I really hated. People who somehow edited inventory HUD and were selling it. When i took down inventory hud, people were selling edited version of it for $50, which is kind of insane.

Problem 2: People were not sharing their changes
This was the reason why i took the whole project down. Since alot of servers were using it, they have modified the resource - changed It’s style, fixed bugs, added more things to it. But they did not share it, they did not send pull request or anything. That was something I did not understand. If you take something for free and you find and fix bug in it, just share it to others…

Problem 3: Not respecting license and copyrights
Since release of Inventory HUD, alot of Inventories that came from Inventory HUD’s code were released - in most cases with different licenses and without any copyrights from original code.

Those problems were mostly the reason why i took down the whole code and made it forbidden to share it (even tho you can still find alot of version on Github or buy it from resellers).

What looks Inventory HUD like now?
Our server started to create It’s own framework, so Inventory HUD no longer stays on ESX. It is heavly modified and looks like that:

Control of inventory is completely different. You can use item by double clicking it, give item to someone by right clicking it. Drop item by grabbing it out of inventory.
Inventory is created of grid, you can split and join items and sort them just how you want.
When holding left shift while doing any action, you can specify number of items used on that action (ETC number of items to be dropped).

Everything is synchronized. More players can open same storage, shop, invetory, … and all changed will be visible to all of them, while their inventory is open.

Support of each unique items - ID card for given person, car keys for given car, …

Will new Inventory HUD be released?
Since new Inventory HUD stays on our custom written framework, chance that it will get released is almost zero.

Will old Inventory HUD be again released?
I will most probably get in touch with author of modified ESX Inventory HUD version i found (working with latest version of ESX) and give him the permission to release the resource one again.


well thank you for expalning all this as I am fairly new to this 6months ish and the project was shut down by the time I started and always wondered what had happened to it ands its a shame other people ruin stuff like this for us but hopefully the other person you have you given the rights to will release his version and we could see some updates to it many thanks for the orginal work dude

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First of all thank you for amazing contribution to community, I believe inventoryhud should be core functionality built in to all Fivem servers.

I wonder if there are any news on bellow ?

Will old Inventory HUD be again released?
I will most probably get in touch with author of modified ESX Inventory HUD version i found (working with latest version of ESX) and give him the permission to release the resource one again.

and what about this version : Inventoryhud - Shops

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Thank you for giving us clorsure and caould you send us one that is like it you found?

can you send me that new hud that style you changed?

It’s disappointing that other people where selling your work to gain money for them selves and it’s sad to hear that other people modified the huds and didn’t share their work. I hope you keep creating amazing things, have a great day.

@Trsak maximum respect for your work.
I hate people selling resorces, expecially if they are not the creator…


i build my own server… and the inventoryhud is the center of it all… every actions is calculated by the presence of items in player inventories… weapons, licences, etc… very important script!! Thank you for the info sir!

EDIT: im willing to do all the adaptation work for my server, without asking a soul for help, starting with you the creator… just for a chance to run that sweet looking new interface of yours … very sexy UI with weight…

You read what he wrote

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(2020) Download extended version here: GitHub - RuisSoftware/FiveM-Resources-2024: I make mods for FiveM.


  • Drag and drop
  • Using items
  • Dropping items
  • Giving items
  • Item hotbar
  • Use item by 1-5 key
  • Accounts support (bank, black money, …)
  • Weapons and ammunition clips as item
  • Configurable shops in config (police, nightclub, blackmarket, weapons)
  • Property support (esx_property)
  • Motels support (lsrp-motels)
  • Trunk support (integrated)
  • Glovebox support (integrated)
  • Bag support (integrated)
  • Pocket support (integrated)
  • Another players inventory support (rob somebody)
  • Fully configurable (check config.lua and html/js/config.js)
  • Multiple languages supported (check locales/ and html/locales/ directories)
  • Multiple styles

Thank you for your work dutchplayers… much needed!


I am trying to get it to save like the inventory to a separate table the same with the black money so forth and so on due to I am trying to use multi-character anyone that can assist me with that

I am using the dutchplayers version

@Trsak You’re still the best! You have made a lot of people very happy and we are happy to support the Inventory HUD these days :slight_smile:

Inventory opens but can’t close it or do anything else after open inventory. Any help?

Hello I would like to thank you for this script. Have not thanks some of the developer but this one I give you respect! Thank you and live long and prosper!

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love the grid system to split item.

Thanks for your hard work! I would love that weight system with trunks :stuck_out_tongue: love you

Good for you, man. Good explanation

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is there a way to make it show inventory capacity like the one from esx trunk inventory?

how can I make and item consumable like my coca cola it won’t drink it