[ESX] esx_menu_list [REDESIGN V2]


Modern, clean, and easy to read.
Includes sound, scrollbar, and minor animations. Sound can be turned off manually, scroll down for more info.

Download the latest version here.

Video Showcase

Turn off the sound

  1. Navigate to esx_menu_list/client/main.lua.
    Row 2.
local soundOn = true
  1. Change true, to false.
  2. Save & restart the script.

Other Releases
[ESX] esx_menu_dialog [REDESIGN V2]
[ESX] esx_menu_default [REDESIGN V2]

[ESX] esx_menu_default [REDESIGN]

[EUP] LSPD, Trooper, BCSO, Weazel-News [VESTS]


EDIT: Just had to change the left position of the menu to 50% instead of 100%

Line 25 from the app.css

Seems when there’s too much rows in the list, the positioning is forcing you to scroll to the right.

Resolution is native 1920x1080

Good catch. I forgot to change it back to 50%.
I changed it on GitHub.

its so good i change only colors

Edited: now you need to get a quick version where you can enter text, which allows emotes, ect. And you take your dick out. A question do you have a discord or something?


cant wait for dialog


On its way!

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I’m glad you liked it!

Are you talking about esx_menu_dialog? I’ll start redesigning that one soon.

I don’t have a personal Discord server.


Awesome! Thank you for these!

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ive gotten all of ur menus but I have a request. I have not looked myself because im fixing to run to work. do u have a css for all of the menus that sets them to the middle instead of the sides?

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Hello, i think i have a little problem. i mean, on yours the names are IC/NOT STEAM on mine, it is the Steam names, what do you have change?



Sone time curser not showing, so menu get freeze

is there any documendation about how to create a list from you or from esx framework?