[ESX - ENG/DE/ES] myMultichar with Ped Menu, Spawn Selector and Register Menu (PAID)

Then you don’t have the NativeUI which is recommended in the readme file :wink:

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Any thoughts on my problem??

Then it can’t read the skin data from your esx_skin. Seems like it’s modified?

Ok thanks I’ll test with a different version of esx_skin than and let you know if it worked

Just got this and all working perfectly - just wondered if there is a way to change character while in-game? Or do you just have to disconnect and reconnect?

I know there is the the /changePed command but I think that is only for changing to custom peds (i.e. animals)? As opposed to going back to the start screen where you can see all of the characters you have


technically it would be possible to change the character ingame, but there isn’t really an ESX function to simulate a player’s disconnect, so we can’t add this feature.

Best regards,

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Ah yes, completely makes sense

hi, i have followed all the steps write in readme, but when i try to log-in into the server i get stuck in the loadscreen. Someone can help me ?


please check your start order in the server.cfg an be sure the script is started after ESX.

Best regards,

is there anyway to get a look at the install instructions, Kashactors was the worst thing in the world to setup and I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole again…

quick fire questions

  1. Does each character has their own cars/clothes/inventory/tattoos/dirty money?
  2. What about property and job inventory.

The instructions are really simple. And yes, each character has theyr own inventory, bills, phone number, cars, propertys, licenses, jobs, skin, clothes, tattoos… you have to configure it yourself, what is saved for different characters and what’s not, but thats really simple including examples in the config…

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Hello, I installed following all the instructions and I load up to a default ped , no character selection screen or anything . Using esx 1.1 so i used the version that does not say new, added all the tables into the config file, ran the sql, edited esx_skin and added start myMultichar to server.cfg

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Hey bekomme immer wieder bei es_extended diesen Fehler:

Und es sieht Ingame dann so aus:

Ich habe es bei es_extended so gemacht wie es in der Readme stand.
Meine client/main.lua in es_extended:

es_extended.txt (14.6 KB)


Bei der Änderung in es_extended hast du einen Fehler gemacht. Das end) unten ist zu viel. Fehlercode wie im Screenshot erkennbar.

Beste Grüße

Hey, I’ve wrote you a DM for further support.
Seems like the change in esx_skin isn’t completed.

What would be the proper edits in this version of es_extended for the client\main.lua?

Fork of legacy but quite a bit of changes and not quite a 1:1

Seems like a lot of people are having problems with this script, I am having problems with it not saving my character, You ask for help in their discord and get no help what so ever. 3 days I have been asking the same question without any response

hi ich hab das problem wenn ich mir einen char erstele und ihn ändere bleibt er gespeicher bis ich disconnecte. wenn ich erneut joine habe ich wieder den standart fivem skin kann wer helfen ?

is there any support or updates, I downloaded it and added it to my server but whenever i make a new character it won’t add it to the “users” identifier, i’m using es_extended final pack v1.2 another problem i’m having is all my characters share the same inventory.


this sounds like you didn’t add all the required tables to the myMultichar Config.Tables.
I’ll send you a PM for further assistance.

Best regards,