Esx_doorlock not working

So I installed esx_doorlock and added some doors. They are not lockable tho. Do I have to start esx_doorlock before or after something special? Or Am I missing something important?
Btw I am mostly talking about doors from addon buildings like Benny´s and new PD.

Thanks in advance!

could you show us the error or what your server.cfg looks like…

dont show the five licences key

and make sure you have esx_policejob

you must add the doors to the config for them to be lockable and unlockable without that the script is dormant until you add some names of models of doors

IDGun: use this script to find hashes and coords/heading

what he says i got it fully wrong…

So since i am using codewalker to get all the coords the heading and hashes are written there. I think then I dont need that script. Point is, how exactly do I have to put heading and the hash in the config? You mean the doorlock config not server config, correct?

Thanks to you both btw!


objName = 'lr_prop_supermod_door_01',

objCoords  = {x = -205,6828, y = -1310,683, z = 30,54814},

textCoords = {x = -205,6828, y = -1310,683, z = 30,54814},

authorizedJobs = { 'bennys' },

locked = true,

distance = 2


This is the example the gate at bennys, bennys job is in DB of course and working fine. All other doors im adding arent working either

Yes Doorlock config i should have specified that
and personaly i use esx-community’s doorlock and it works like a charm if i need to add a door i just do /idgun get the object hash and coods/heading and add it to the config like so no need for programs all done ingame so it makes it much faster

Config.DoorList = {

	-- Mission Row First Floor

	-- Entrance Doors
		textCoords = vector3(434.7, -982.0, 31.5),
		authorizedJobs = {'police'},
		locked = false,
		maxDistance = 2.5,
		doors = {
            --  if u wanna use model names
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_door01'), objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -980.6, 30.8)},
            --if u wanna use object hashes
			{objHash = 1417577297, objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -983.2, 30.8)}

hope this helps

This looks promising thanks man! I will try and hit you up!

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Btw where is your doorlock located? Mine is in an extra “ESX” folder and i have an extra ESX.cfg but i really dont think thats the problem since i pushed it directly into resources and didnt work either

i don’t think it matters but i have it in a separate folder

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your script works perfectly thank you 1245124124 times

Dude one last thing :smiley: Do you know what to add to make closed gates close on their own? Now they are stuck open as I lock them

gates are hella annoying some work some don’t im not sure if theres a way to fix it

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