[ESX] Cosmo HUD w/ Seatbelt

Nothing fancy here just Cosmo HUD w/ added seatbelt function as it’s been asked about all over the place.

Tested and working with ESX Legacy (Specifically Linden’s version)

Probably could use some improvements feel free to just fork this as I’m not really doing much development now.






Could you pleeeease make this compatible with Salty Chat?

This version apparently has that, just merge the two.

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oh wow did not know that exists, thank you very much

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Tested and works on ESX 1.2. :slight_smile: Thx dude.

aye man able to make the gps have a distance counter to destination and maybe center it up with the roads instead of slightly to the right on the minimap?

Tested it and first of all, the speedometer and fuel gauge are very nice but for some reason I don’t fly out of the car when I’m not wearing my seatbelt. Looks like I will have to tinker a little bit more

Is due to the minimap, there is no fix for it as far as I know

Tested and working on ESX 2.0 :heart:

did you fix the not getting ejected out the car?

I will try and fix the ejecting next week.

@ohitsjudd I tried to use your version but the hunger, thirst and etc. isn’t working.

Works for me…

Tried this and the hunger and thirst isnt working.

Works for me, do you have basic needs?

yea i do

Must be something else, I’m running my version here without issue.