[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

Go to : html/img/items/
And put your cash icon with .png format
then you can see the cash icon in the inventory !!

i have one there but there is no icon only when i set cash inventory on true

i told you you need to make it falsee !! like my screenshoot

yes i have it on false but that is only kind off money there will take my icon

I have a problem where i can’t equip weapons nor buy food from the store :confused:

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how to we get the trunk to work i have install the pluging and the trunk is open on the car but the HUD dont open

how did u get the trunk too open the inventory ???

So I have the Inventory in and set up as it should be (minus trunk and glovebox as I haven’t gotten around to that yet) but something about the weapons is making it crash. When I equip weapons into my hotbar and use them, for some reason, the weapon wheel starts to show up when I hit tab and there’s no way to open the inventory without restarting the resource.

I have both disc-ammo and disc-base installed. (disc-ammo says it uses base as a dependent).

There doesn’t appear to be any console errors at all, it just stops working.

Same thing happening for me. When I shoot my gun, it breaks the inventory.

Hi, basically just take any kind of trunk with inventoryhud and take
and add it to client side and in fxmanifest.lua add


dont forget to change everything in client side from

esx_inventoryhud >> conde_inventory

Thank you for the inventory. :smiley: It wanted to play with it a little more to make it work as it should, but if it works, it’s an amazing inventory.


Does this work on ESX 1.2/ ESX V1 Final?

it says in first post that he uses on 1.2

Hey mate can you elaborate a little on getting trunks to work with a hud, i took the trunk.lua from GitHub - Trsak/esx_inventoryhud: Fivem resource for ESX framework - Inventory HUD and put into the client folder of conde, added it to fxmanifest but am not working so far.

is there some way i can disable the status hud on inventory? and in which line?

ok thx

does anyone have a version of this with weaponsync instead of disc-ammo? or is there a guide to removing the disc-ammo side to this? the weapons to items side of it is fine but weaponsync uses singular bullets as items instead of saving bullets to their own database.

When I press TAB to open the inventory the cursor shows but the inventory it self does not.

Did you rename the folder?

Ya, I renamed it and put in the SQL into my database.