[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

does this use esx_shops

I need help I need an F2 inventory script who can give me and I do not understand in SQL

What inventory system did you end up using? I’m trying to find one but I’m not too sure which to use.

Using esx legacy by the way!

hi can you help none of the animations work also no props
any help would be great i use esx_extended

Just use dpEmotes

thanks buddy trying now

sorry i ment my inventory works i can drag to hot bar but there is no animation to pull weapon out and i am not holding any weapon when it says ive withdrew

does anyone know how to enable weapon wheel please tia

fix for change item to weapon??

How can i make it to work whit weapon license??

Please i wan’t a simple help…
how to add second inventory (trunk, glovebox, storage houses, …)
Thank u so much for help :slight_smile:

I cannot seem to get the status bars to work, anytime i change the code like it says to the esx get status for basic needs then the inventory stops working and makes the player get stuck when they press the inventory key. Any ideas?

Hey i try too lok but what is the key for the trunk and glovebox ?

Other quesiton, the script look not working whit esx license and can’t read the esx license… i have the license in my data base but in the lui i think i should have a trigger for that right?

        if IsInWeaponShopZone(coords) then
            if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys["E"]) then
                if Licenses['weapon'] ~= nil then
                    exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('error', 'Tu a besoins de ta license')

Thank you. Helped me so much!!

I love this

This is actually one of the best free inventories I have seen,
both featurewise and the ui part, it looks alot like the qbus
inventory which I really like, you did an amazing job man!

Does anyone know how to get this inventory working with a weapons on back script? Possibly this one

Im having a issue where i have to have the weapon and the item weapon in order to give my gun ammo how do i fix this?

Anyone have a link to Disc-Ammo and the SQL associated with it? I can no longer find a working link for it. DiscworldZA’s github is no longer online and I don’t seem to find any forked versions of their GTA-resources which included Disc-Ammo. Please help. Thanks.