[ESX] Bodycam

I have made this resource also compatible with QBCore. If you are interested, click here.

This resource is a great addition to your policejob. It basically gives your players the ability to equip a bodycam and let your other officers watch through it. It is only compatible with ESX for now and is very performance friendly by only consuming ~ 0.06 ms at maximum usage and 0.00 when idling. It features a full UI to manage all your active bodycams.

Full feature list:

  • Very performance friendly (0.06ms at full load)
  • Custom UI*
  • Custom modeled and textured prop
  • Bodycam overlay, showing the officer name and the current time and date*
  • Synchronised cameras
  • Camera shaking effects and configurable filters*
  • Configurable bodycam position and rotation*
  • Bodycam item gets registered automatically in your database (also as a usable item)*
  • EUP clothing support


Custom UI

The UI lets you manage all the active bodycams. You can see them all at one glance and select the one you want to watch. Bodycams get removed automatically from the UI as soon as they are unequipped by the player in real time.

Custom prop

The prop has been custom made only for this resource. It does not impact the performance while still looking ok. You can always use another prop you have downloaded. Simply change the prop name in the config.

Snychronised cameras

Worn bodycams are synchronised through the server. This means, that when you leave the server and reconnect the other cameras are still in the UI and you can still watch them (except your own bodycam, it gets removed automatically when you disconnect). Also, when a player removes his bodycam during a spectate, you automatically get disconnected from his bodycam and you return to the menu. Players cannot watch another player through his bodycam while he is watching another player. This is due to a specific logic running in the background and secures the script from getting broken by any player.

Accessible from anywhere

The bodycams can be watched from anywhere. The UI shows a “connecting” message while connecting to the selected bodycam. This depends on the player’s pc performance so it can ensure a safe connection.

Preview: Click
Buy here: Click

The resource is available in two languages: EN, DE - More languages can be easily added

This resource uses the FiveM Escrow system, as well as encryption in parts of the script.


  • ESX Legacy (support is only given for this version of ESX)
  • esx_policejob


No, only ESX Legacy for now

whan you well do the qbus ?

If more people are interested in a QBus version then I will consider doing one.

is that dull encrypted with escrow or just some parts? if some parts its good maybe can modify that :smiley:

is that dull encrypted with escrow or just some parts?

Only some parts are encrypted. You can modify a few parts of the script to your likings. Not much at the moment but I will make it more configurable in the future :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t do that. At least not in the main files. Just move more stuff to a config file for editing. A lot of people dislike escrow, however, escrow is a necessity for creators to protect their creations.

I find escrow annoying myself, but I also see the need to protect your work. As long as you listen to feed back and try to improve the script, it’s all good.

I have it saved for payday, definitely going to give this a shot.

Yeah I get your point. It is annoying sometimes but if you have a well written config and script there should be no need for the user to change anything. Escrow doesn’t allow us to create custom versions of the script (e.g. certain billing system, certain function, …) but at the same time it is extremely important when it comes to protection and FiveM ToS. It is annoying indeed if you quickly want to fix a bug or create custom versions as I said. But it is currently the best protection when it comes to FiveM.

I’m still experimenting with Escrow, so if something doesn’t work for you just hit me up with a message and I will fix it for you :slight_smile:

Will this ever be standalone?

it’s Dosent work the people fall through the map and remain under the map as soon as they want to watch

I’m considering making it standalone

Sorry to hear that. I have tested it on multiple server instances and never had the issue myself. I have written you a DM about your issue

Hotfix has been published:

[NEW] custom_server.lua file implemented for server-side customisation

[FIXED] Player falling through the map when spectating
[FIXED] ESX failing to initialize

[OTHER] minimal performance improvements

That’s sweet, my server would love it if you did!

Does it support other versions of esx or just legacy ?

The script was only tested on ESX Legacy servers. I can’t guarantee that it works on other versions

An update has been published:

[NEW] Ability to configure multiple spots to access the bodycam UI
[NEW] Ability to configure authorized jobs that can access the bodycam UI

Very nice release!

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A new update has been published

This script now supports EUP clothing to replace the default bodycam model