[ESX] Beef Treasure

More Information & Scripts can be found here!

What is this?

This is simple script about diving include diving gear and diving job , ALL IN ONE ! hope fun <3
With this resource, you will be able to do the following:

  • Config Item inside chest
  • Config percent random item
  • Config location

Config Code

Config = {}

Config.Locale = 'en'

Config.Price = {
	--['put item here'] = 350


Config.Locations = {
	{ x = -333.34, -2792.78, 5.0 } 

Config.Removeables = {
	OxygenMask = true

Config.item1 = 'burger'
Config.item2 = 'water'

Config.randomChance1 = 50
Config.randomChance2 = 50

Config.CircleZones = {
	treasureField = {coords = vector3(74, 7410, -12), name = 'Treasure', color = 71, sprite = 587, radius = 2.0},


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Other Resources:

Beef ID Card 2022

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | Yes |
| Lines (approximately) | 200 |
| Requirements | ESX |
| Support | Yes |

i hope everyone will like this ^^

is compatible with fivem-appearance?

i think it will work well with fivem-appearance bro ^^

so this script doesnt need skinchanger or esx_skin right?, cuz fivem-appearance doest use that

yes script no need esx_skin or skinchanger

Can u add for this script anchor for boat as well? cuz while someone dive under the water, boat swim away cuz waves u know… lol

hmm best suggestion i will try it