[ESX] Beef Shooting School

More Information & Scripts can be found here!

What is this?

This is resource i’m based on driving school and make this , I hope everyone will like this ^^

With this resource, you will be able to do the following:

  • Config Time Exam
  • Config Ped
  • Config Weapon
  • Config Ammount Ammo
  • Config Position


Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'vn'

Config.Marker = {
	r = 0, g = 128, b = 255, a = 100,
	x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0,
	DrawDistance = 100, Type = 27

Config.Prices = {
	licenses         = 50, 
	shooting         = 1000, 

Config.item = {
	licenses = "weapon",
	armor = 'HeavyArmor', 
	gpsds = 'gpsds', 

Config.ped = {
	ped = GetHashKey('s_m_y_marine_03'), --NPC
	weapon = "WEAPON_PISTOL", --gun of NPC
	ammo = 250, --NPC's ammo count
	armor = 10, --the amount of NPC's armor


Config.ammo = "ammo-rifle2"

Config.retestTime    = 60 

Config.MaxDistance    = 24  

School = {
	["shooting_school"] = {
		positionped = {   x = 21.9, y = -1079.9, z = 28.9 },
		position = { x = 21.9, y = -1079.9, z = 28.9 },
		seconds = 60, -- seconds
		lastTest = 0

School1 = {
	["license_shooting_school"] = {
		position = { x = 1957.72, y = 3834.46, z = 32.18 },



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Tebex ( Decrypted 20$ )

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Other Resources:

Beef Spinning
Beef ID Card 2022
Beef Treasure
Beef Incense