[OUTDATED] esx_aiTaxi -- Call a NPC-Taxi (GCPHONE)

Hello thank you for the handling but it changes me nothing I managed to corigate my concern consol it says apel worm number unknown … taxi but the taxi does not come to my perso as if he will not receive the order

So i have this work fine but only down issue im having is cancelling a taxi? Not sure why its not cancelling any idea?

not working and i see none explanation how to fix the Appels sur un service non enregistre : taxi

install esx_taxijob

the big problem is the driver who is crazy and drives badly

not working on esx_locksystem ?

thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much, but if for example I want to put the esx_aitaxi script, AI_Mechanic and AI Tow Truck Remastered. Can I put this code several times in a row? in server.lua…

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Appels sur un service non enregistre => numero : taxi

Phone is 100% working, but when i call or cancel a taxi, i get this on my server console. Ive seen at least 3 other people in this thread with the same issue

For fix the

“Appels sur un service non enregistre => numero : taxi”

Just add this :

TriggerEvent(‘esx_phone:registerNumber’, ‘taxi’, ‘Taxi’, true, true)


TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)

In the server main.lua

it’s work for me, but when i enter the taxi, he don’t move to my gps point, and the other fix in the topic didn’t work

i have nothing but issues with this… The taxi shows on map… comes to location… then immediately leaves… getting frustrated i walk away… a message prompts in the top corner to get into car… press it and it teleports you into it… but then never able to select destination. it then creates major resource time warnings and never goes away until i restart the script.

It’s work! thanks!

But can’t cancel it on gcphone, how to fix?

Hi, I have a problem that the second time I call a NPC taxi after a few seconds it dissappears en spawns at the 0,0,0 coords, am I the only one with this problem?

id start away from this failed script its not even fully working and no one offering support and its abandoned

@Flavio_Moretti @Benzz_mapping

i have a probleme the driver when arrive gos back and fort none stop

THX man Good Job


whats the enquirement??

Should’ve made a version for vRP :frowning:

Me too

NPC doesn’t spawn for me. No errors. GCphone edited correctly, message pops up.

Event triggers, as I added notification in it. But besides that, nothing spawns.

You solve?