EssentialMode - Unable to "/setjob id name grade" etc

Check your messages :wink:

Which essential you have? 5 or 4?

Ask on the original topic and I am sure you will get an answer there.

If you are using Essential 5 with old es_admin2 the commands in esx will start working but es_admin2 commands will stop… you must edit commands because its checking only first args. .
( i hope you understand what im saying :smiley: )

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I have 5 on the lastest one

I updated both files when I changed them. Ill do it again just to be sure.

Okey, (20chars)

is there a fix for this yet?

Ask on the original topic.

where is the script

Hello, currently using latest EssentialMode.

my useraccount’s group is “user”.
But whenever I typed /car /setjob /kick in chat, it is working.

But when Im trying to use kick or any other admin commands in es_admin’s UI. It says I dont have permission.

I have a problem with text chat, pressing the T does not leave the chat in the upper left. Rather, I get one below and it won’t let me place a job or give an item, I can only write.
