ENB - Quantv not working

Is there any way to fix this

[ 65906] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Unable to load D:\Fivem\FiveM.app\plugins\enbfeeder.asi - this ASI plugin does not claim to support game build 3095. If you have access to its source code, add FX_ASI_BUILD 3095 BEGIN "\0" END to the .rc file when building this plugin. If not, contact its maintainer.
[ 65906] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Unable to load D:\Fivem\FiveM.app\plugins\QuantV.asi - this ASI plugin does not claim to support game build 3095. If you have access to its source code, add FX_ASI_BUILD 3095 BEGIN "\0" END to the .rc file when building this plugin. If not, contact its maintainer.

and when in game it evrything is black and white

There is a tutorial on making these plugins compatible.

If it’s above your skill level you’d have to contact the author, or make sure your plugins are up-to-date. I’m not sure if you want use to ENB and QuantV at the same time anyway?

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thankyou for this this help me alot