[EASY SETUP!] Voice Chat Auto Moderation V2 [Voice Recognition for Mumble]

Hi! I probably found a resolve for that problem ([1] szymczakovv - that is a nickname auto generated by fivem and added to mumble server),

Here is my code - that is work correctly (tested on ids 1-5000), removing brackets and nickname.

local array = json.decode(table.concat(args,  ))

local playerid = string.match(array.Username, '%d[%d.,]*')

--^^ that print only id from that string: '[2000] szymczakovv' - returns 2000


Ah very good, however like I said, someone would be able to connect to the mumble server without being in FiveM, and set their Mumble username to anything, including something that will impersonate another user

Are you able to share any noteworthy configuration options?

Hey Dalrae! I know I’m super late and am not sure whether you are still around or not, but I wanted to ask if you happen to have anything like this for pma voice? Or do you feel like it would be relatively adaptable?

Since pmaVoice uses Mumble, this should work straight out of the box

That is amazing, thank you. Super excited to give this a go.

I have an issue with this when someone says something it’ll spit out this error. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

Could you take a screenshot of your file directory?

Here ya go. Also I appreciate the effort to help me out!

I suggest using thread limits to not overload your server and cause crashing.

from threading import Semaphore

# Initialize a Semaphore with a count of 4
max_threads = Semaphore(4)"

in your

def loop(self):

it doesent brother im struggeling my pma voice ingame doesent work when i run the machine im connected i join the server the pma voice dont work
i restart the server and join with out starting the bot i try to connect it doesent so it happens only when a player joins the server i tried multiple ports i did multiple host from my dedicated box and also the default one that you set in the config matches my heidi sql host and still same issue any help or suggestion would be nice since i understand that it should work without any modification for the pma to work with it