Early-exit trap Crash

Seems to be 2-5 mins about for me, cleared cache and reinstalled everything.


same thing for me someone need to fix this its very annoying !


I think FiveM is getting DDoSs, I don’t know what No life kid is doing it…


did you manage to get there attention?

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How lol, we need more people to comment here so they can see our problem and solve it

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no response yet. hoping they see this forum or everyone respond to their tweets letting them know

ok thank you for letting me know

I have this problem too

Same I’ve tried many tutorials, discord forum and nothing is working, i’ve had my system cleaned out and scanned my professionals it’s not my system

I have this issue too, and nothing is helping

Five M team read this topic sometimes ?

How did you do that ?

please why would you release a beta with the problems of this shty early exit bs into main patch

this bug wasnt new°!!


If anyone is keeping track of how many people are having this issue, I have had at least 4 others that are having this issue. They have not had this issue before yesterdays update that didn’t work was patched.

same for me its ever since the update yesterday. i use a gaming laptop does any one else? just that ive been told someone else has this issue and there using a laptop

I have desktop pc with 5950x rtx3070 16gb ram so it doesnt seem to matter wich one u are using. Game was working fine yesterday but today its unplayable.

allright yall i found something may not work for everyone but im in my city for more then 10 minutes lol so for those who have bitfinder antivirus just turn off advance threat defence and switch the fiveM built for latest (unstable version) for me it work for now


Im on bitdefender too, ill try :sweat_smile:

On Bitdefender too, we may have found something here

let me know lol i dont think its a bitfinder problem its something in the built of fiveM and when BF find it it just crashed the game …