dpEmotes 1.7 (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes

Very nice! love the colours!

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Great work on the script. Have you had any luck getting the particles to sync across players? It doesn’t seem that StartNetworkedParticleFxLoopedOnEntityBone on the PtfxStart function seems to be syncing it across users. Is this something that I will have to send server side in an event and then send back to the clients?

Thanks for the reply. Yes I figured that. But it’s weird that using a camera is for
male only. Are we not able to choose if we want that on or off?

amazing mod but one thing is not working walking styles are not working at all normal 32 player server onesync disabled :smiley:

Weird because it works on my server. So maybe it’s not the script

hmm yeah i disabled esx_animations because this pretty much replaces that other wise checked config and i have installed update 1.7 ect still not working goes to do animation and then cancels

It was exactly what i was talking about - What about submenus, how do i check if they’re open?

well i enabled esx_animations with no effect it goes to change walk style for a second and changes back again, i dont know if its something else effecting it but its defiantly not working on my server i have no errors with the code or anything so not sure what is causing it

I added 4 more animations on DP.Emotes:

["mamada1"] = {"oddjobs@towing", "m_blow_job_loop", "Mamada (Recibir)", AnimationOptions =
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,
   ["mamada2"] = {"oddjobs@towing", "f_blow_job_loop", "Mamada (Dar)", AnimationOptions =
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,
   ["follarcoche1"] = {"mini@prostitutes@sexlow_veh", "low_car_sex_loop_player", "Follar en coche (Recibir)", AnimationOptions =
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,
   ["follarcoche2"] = {"mini@prostitutes@sexlow_veh", "low_car_sex_loop_female", "Follar en coche (Dar)", AnimationOptions =
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = false,

Those are the 4 XXX animations that esx_animations got for be into cars.

Just the way scenarios work, some of them work only for males so its better to replace it with an animation and a prop. For the camera emote i did just that in 1.7 so now it will work on both male and female.

Weird! Try this, get something like sublime so you can search all your resources.
for sublime add your resources folder to your project in sublime like this

then search for “SetPedMovementClipset” in resources like this

And check to see if any other resources are setting the SetPedMovementClipset every tick.

Im not sure if theres a way to specifically check what submenu is open, what are your trying to do? i can try to help

Yeah i tried another native that “take2” provided a little up this thread but still doesn’t show up for both players.
You can definitely go the route of triggering a server event to play it on both clients, just like the shared animations do, but i don’t feel the need to add that much extra code just to have the particles show on both.
Since there are more than one PTFX emote, and i would want it a little different for each.

Well - I got some of it working. I’m trying to print 3d text, when the menu is open. But atm. it’s only showing when on the mainmenu, so when i enter some of the submenus, it’s going to disappear.



display the 3d text when those are active?, if that works then just chain em together with if an elseifs

They do sadly not work… Do you have any other ideas?

Yea I tried it as well. But I noticed his only change was adding in the SetParticleFxLoopedColour(Ptfx, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) to the PtfxStart() function.

And I agree that it is going to be a pain in the ass to sync it across clients with sending events, but it looks like it might be needed in order for it to work properly.

Because, let’s be real… the particle emotes are 100% worth syncing because whats the point of pissing on things if they can’t see it lol.


Hey mate I was adding some new props that I see that left on the script, add it if you can, would be awesome ^^


["joint"] = {"mp_player_inteat@burger", "mp_player_int_eat_burger", "Joint", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = 'p_cs_joint_02',
       PropBone = 47419,
       PropPlacement = {0.015, -0.009, 0.003, 55.0, 0.0, 110.0},
       EmoteMoving = true,
       EmoteDuration = 600
   ["cig"] = {"mp_player_inteat@burger", "mp_player_int_eat_burger", "Cig", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = 'prop_amb_ciggy_01',
       PropBone = 47419,
       PropPlacement = {0.015, -0.009, 0.003, 55.0, 0.0, 110.0},
       EmoteMoving = true,
       EmoteDuration = 600
["brief3"] = {"missheistdocksprep1hold_cellphone", "static", "Brief 3", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = "prop_ld_case_01",
       PropBone = 57005,
       PropPlacement = {0.10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 280.0, 53.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,

ÂĄKeep like this mate your work is awesome!

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Nvm - I figured it out, you can call _menuPool:IsAnyMenuOpen(), and then it checks for it.

If anyone else needs it - If you want to check if the menu is open, then use this:


is everytick 0 ?

ResetPedMovementClipset(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) ------------ is this 0 the tick ?