dpEmotes 1.7 (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes

Does anyone know the name of the “2 beer” animation ? i search for it a long time

1.6.5 is out
Added @take2 's emotes
and some cool particles stuff so this kinda stuff is possible:


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@MyllyV Lol yeah that kinda thing is definitely possible, not sure if its something i personally wanna look through animations for, but should be really easy to add.

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Add this emote,by default in the next update please

   ["handsup2"] = {"busted", "idle_a", "HandsUP2", AnimationOptions =
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,

Ok nice! I felt like a weirdo for asking about the synced ERP emotes but some of the players on my server asked me if that would be possible… I guess some of them are into ERP LOL :rofl:

1.7 is coming along great.
With proper keybinding!
If its enabled you can do /emotebind (num4-num9) (emotename)
doing that command will then save it to mysql (mysql-async required)
and then when you press the key it plays your emote, saves through logging in and out ofc.
Heres a little video showcasing it, i still got localizing, making choosing which keybinds are bindable easier, figuring out how to put it in the f3 menu in a good looking way and extra testing to do before putting the update out.




function PtfxStart()
    if PtfxNoProp then
      PtfxAt = PlayerPedId()
      PtfxAt = prop
    Ptfx = StartParticleFxLoopedOnEntity(PtfxName, PtfxAt, Ptfx1, Ptfx2, Ptfx3, Ptfx4, Ptfx5, Ptfx6, PtfxScale, false, false, false)
    table.insert(PlayerParticles, Ptfx)


function PtfxStart()
    if PtfxNoProp then
      PtfxAt = PlayerPedId()
      PtfxAt = prop
    Ptfx = StartNetworkedParticleFxLoopedOnEntityBone(PtfxName, PtfxAt, Ptfx1, Ptfx2, Ptfx3, Ptfx4, Ptfx5, Ptfx6, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(PtfxName, "VFX"), 1065353216, 0, 0, 0, 1065353216, 1065353216, 1065353216, 0)
    SetParticleFxLoopedColour(Ptfx, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    table.insert(PlayerParticles, Ptfx)

this will play ptfx properly and will be visible to other players

also add these

   ["fireworks"] = {"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_dancefloor@", "dancecrowd_li_15_handup_laz", "Fireworks", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = 'ind_prop_firework_01',
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {-0.005,0.0,0.2,360.0,360.0,0.0},
       EmoteMoving = true,
       EmoteLoop = true,
       PtfxAsset = "scr_indep_fireworks",
       PtfxName = "scr_indep_firework_fountain",
       PtfxPlacement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
       PtfxInfo = Config.Languages[Config.MenuLanguage]['makeitrain'],
       PtfxWait = 500,
   ["champagnespray"] = {"anim@mp_player_intupperspray_champagne", "idle_a", "Champagne Spray", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = 'ba_prop_battle_champ_open',
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0},
       EmoteMoving = true,
       EmoteLoop = true,
       PtfxAsset = "scr_ba_club",
       PtfxName = "scr_ba_club_champagne_spray",
       PtfxPlacement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
       PtfxInfo = Config.Languages[Config.MenuLanguage]['makeitrain'],
       PtfxWait = 500,

This doesnt seem to work, trying it out with two clients and it still only shows up on the client playing the emote :confused:

You are a freaking beast sir! Good job dude, thank you for the constant great updates and sharing awesome things for the community :black_heart::heartbeat:

Maybe you can add some sort of +18 menu? with sexual emotes? Or showme how to add a submenu? Tried but not working :frowning:


Can’t figure out how to check if the menu is open in the Emote.lua? Any ideas?

If you mean the f3 menu it would be in emotemenu.lua.
You can do print(mainMenu:Visible())
to get the current menu state

May you share me an example on how to add an extra submenu? It’s working perfectly, I only need one more submenu to have our +18 animations there; already added them but they get kinda lost in the huge list and I want them apart…just throw an example and I’ll do it myself…if you may.

Hey! I really liked the script, we are enjoying it in our server. I translated it to Spanish because our community is from Argentina. Here is the translation if anyone wants to use it! If you need help in the future to get a full translation to spanish just let me know. Keep up the great work!

[‘es’] = {
[‘emotes’] = ‘Animaciones’,
[‘danceemotes’] = “:man_dancing: Bailes”,
[‘propemotes’] = “:package: Objetos”,
[‘keybindemotes’] = “:star2: Favorita”,
[‘keybindinfo’] = “Selecciona una animacion como su favorita.”,
[‘rkeybind’] = “Reiniciar favorito”,
[‘prop2info’] = “:question: Animaciones de objetos al final.”,
[‘set’] = “Elegir (”,
[‘setboundemote’] = “) como tu animacion favorita?”,
[‘newsetemote’] = “~w~ es ahora tu animacion favorita, presiona ~g~[CapsLock]~w~ para usarla.”,
[‘cancelemote’] = “Cancelar animacion”,
[‘cancelemoteinfo’] = “~r~X~w~ Cancela la animacion actual.”,
[‘walkingstyles’] = “Formas de caminar”,
[‘resetdef’] = “Reiniciar a por defecto”,
[‘normalreset’] = “Normal (Reiniciar)”,
[‘moods’] = “Estados de animo”,
[‘infoupdate’] = “Informacion”,
[‘infoupdateav’] = “Informacion (Actualizacion disponible)”,
[‘infoupdateavtext’] = “Una actualizacion esta disponible, para conseguir la ultima version ingresa a ~y~https://github.com/andristum/dpemotes~w~”,
[‘suggestions’] = “Sugerencias?”,
[‘suggestionsinfo’] = “dullpear_dev’ en el foro de FiveM para cualquier sugerencia! :email:”,
[‘notvaliddance’] = “no es un baile valido.”,
[‘notvalidemote’] = “no es una animacion valida.”,
[‘nocancel’] = “No hay animacion para cancelar.”,
[‘maleonly’] = “Esta animacion es solo de hombre!”,
[‘emotemenucmd’] = “Escribe /emotemenu para abrir el menu.”,
[‘shareemotes’] = “:couple: Animaciones compartidas”,
[‘shareemotesinfo’] = “Invita a una persona cercana para la animacion.”,
[‘sharedanceemotes’] = “:man_dancing: Bailes compartidos”,
[‘notvalidsharedemote’] = “no es una animacion compartida valida.”,
[‘sentrequestto’] = “Solicitud enviada ~y~”,
[‘nobodyclose’] = “Nadie ~r~cerca~w~.”,
[‘doyouwanna’] = “~y~Y~w~ para aceptar, ~r~L~w~ para rechazar (~g~”,
[‘refuseemote’] = “Animacion rechazada.”,
[‘makenearby’] = “hacer que el jugador cercano juegue”,
[‘camera’] = “Presione ~y~G~w~ para usar el flash de la camara.”,
[‘makeitrain’] = “Presiona ~y~G~w~ para hacer llover.”,
[‘pee’] = “Mantiene ~y~G~w~ para mear.”,

@NT-San Excellent! Will have 1.7 out soon with the new keybinding, not too many new language strings.
Will add this for sure though! tyty!

1.7 is live, check the main post!
Let me know of any issues, im sure something will come up!

Hey mate, really nice work as every version.

Have you thought in make this with sections, like dances, shared emotes, walkingstyles, +18, movements, status… I dont know some kind of that? It would be awesome as some people said there’re a lot of animations to search in :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah i need to get to that, im gonna have to change a lot of stuff around, but it is something i really wanna do.
Gonna be a lot of rewriting, i should have done the first version with that in mind :stuck_out_tongue:
Will get to categories, i promise!


Thanks mate, wanna show you how the menu looks on my server for now. Thanks at you this is possible ^^

Changed also the updates category to use it for the server links:

And well as I said you’re doing a really amazing job mate, keep like this! :smiley:

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